Fizzarolli: Where It All Went Wrong

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Chapter 1: Like a Ton of Bricks

"Ha ha ha ha ha! We'll ALWAYS be friends, right, Fizz?" Blitzo looked at his friend and grinned. "You can count on it!" Fizz smiled back, his smile even bigger than Blitzo's. Not very hard since he had a larger mouth, but still. Blitzo was happy because Fizz and his sister had always been kind to him and were the best friends he could ask for. "With you and Barbie here with me, I'll ALWAYS be happy," Blitzo continued. "No doubt about it!", Fizz replied and gave him two thumbs up. "Look," Fizz continued, "I'm sorry that you and I couldn't have been born REAL brothers..." "Yeah..." Blitzo sighed in remorse. "But you and I are brothers in every way that COUNTS, and we ALWAYS will be." Blitzo laughed heartily. "Always." Blitzo then gave Fizz a warm hug. Fizz smiled once more. "Blitzo!" Blitzo's sister, Barbie Wire, waved and walked over to them. "Barbie!" Blitzo began to put his arm around her as well. "Blitzo!" She chuckled. "What's gotten into you...?" "You guys are my best friends in the WHOLE WORLD!!!!" Blitzo explained. "We're your ONLY friends in the world," Fizz snarkily remarked. "I don't care!" Blitzo jumped for joy. "With friends like you in my life, I'll ALWAYS feel loved. He pulled Barbie closer and embraced them. "I love you guys SO much!", he exclaimed, tears streaming down his face. "Aww, I love you guys too." "Couldn't have said it better myself!" Fizz, who would later become known as "Fizzarolli", held them close. No matter what happened, he would ALWAYS love them. No matter HOW painful it would become for him to do so, he always would, without fail. THIS is HIS story, about how it ALL went HORRIBLY wrong.

Meanwhile, in the present...

"Is that you, Blitzo?" Fizzarolli wondered. He, along with Verosika Mayday, then proceeded to berate Blitz, for being a HORRIBLE lover and friend (which he had been). Fizzarolli didn't like harassing his old friend, but he felt that by giving Blitz wake-up call like this he might knock some sense into him. Maybe it could convince him to be a BETTER friend. A slim chance, perhaps. But Fizzarolli was still holding out hope that the friend he once knew was still in there somewhere, deep down. Surely all the good times they had had together once couldn't have meant nothing to him. As for Stolas, he had nothing against him personally, but it seemed to be bad form to abandon his family just to have an affair with his estranged friend. Like said friend had abandoned him. Unless, of course, the rumors of just how horrible of a woman his wife was were true... He shuddered to think of it. If that were the case, he would actually feel pretty sorry for Stolas. Heaven, in HIS position, he probably would have done the same thing. Anyone would. Still, he had no way of knowing for sure. It was better to play it safe, just in case they weren't. If they were, he would be fine. As for that imp, how DARE he come to Ozzie's and sing that kind of song here? Didn't they know what kind of club this was? This was NOT the time OR the place for it. It made him sick to his stomach to think that they would disregard the club's policy so blatantly. He happily joined his partner (in more ways than one) on stage to sing a counter-song to balance out the wholesome vibes that Moxxie's song was giving off. Just as they were about to finish, grinning ear-to-ear, Fizzarolli suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his skull. Despite the fact that he had not instigated violence against her (or anyone else, for that matter), that didn't stop Millie from giving him a hard blow to the back of the head just so Moxxie could finish THEIR song INSIDE the club as opposed to doing so somewhere else instead. He immediately fell down, unconscious. He would spend the next several hours out cold, before waking up several hours later in a hospital bed, still feeling dizzy from the concussion he had suffered, his head still throbbing from the massive headache that that bitch Millie had inflicted upon him. The audience just sat there in complete shock and utter disbelief at what had transpired before their very eyes. It felt like something akin to when the comedian Chris Rock was slapped in the face by actor Will Smith at the Oscars because of a perceived insult directed at his spouse. It may have been secular, but to them a sacred space had been violated by this violent display. Some demons just can't take a joke. Asmodeus or "Ozzie", the club's proprietor, looked on in horror and sadness as he held the limp body of the unconscious Fizzarolli in his arms. "Please, someone call an ambulance! My pal Fizzy needs help! He's hurt!" Ozzie cried, tears streaming down his face. Though she didn't know them that well, Verosika was still sad to see what happened to Fizzarolli. "I will, don't worry," she reassured Ozzie. "Oh, thank Lucifer," he sighed in relief. Blitz, feeling embarrassed, decided that now would be a good time to leave. As he and Stolas were walking out of Ozzie's, she shouted out to them, "Yeah, that's right, you walk on out of here, you bum! And maybe you should visit your sister in rehab sometime, you piece of total shit!" Asmodeus looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Bitzo's sister? Do you mean Barbie Wire?", he asked her. "Yep, that's the one. She's been in rehab for months now, and Blitzo still hasn't visited her even after I told him that's where she was," she lamented. "I met her there...", she added under her breath. "I'll have to tell Fizz as soon as he wakes up. He'll want to know that that's happened to her." "Why? What connection does he have to Barbie Wire?" "Well, the three of them grew up in the circus together. Fizz told me that they were some of his fondest memories," he wistfully remarked. "Funny that she didn't mention wanting him to come visit her as well." "It was a very long time ago, she probably didn't mention him because she didn't think that he would remember her, but I assure you, he never forgot about her. But first things first, please call a goddamn mother fucking ambulance, for fuck's sake, we need to get my Fizzy the FUCK out of here!" Asmodeus bellowed. "Right, sorry, on it."

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