hearing and listening [ ❥ ]

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Whatever late-night comedy rerun is playing on the TV is what fills your ears, as well as the soft drone of Hondo's voice as he talks you through his day while the two of you are laid up on the sofa. You're not purposely paying him no mind, really you're not, but it's hard when you're beginning to drift off to sleep and he's just so comfortable to be laid up against.

He gets about halfway through his story before his eyes drift down and he spies you, laying half asleep on his chest with your eyes closed. A soft chuckle sends vibrations reverberating throughout his chest and into you, which is what ends up rousing you as he rubs a hand up and down your back.

"Baby", he says softly, smiling down at you as you blink your eyes open to peer up at him. "You haven't heard a single thing I said in the last ten minutes, have you?"

You make a noise of disagreement, pushing the sleep of your eyes with the heel of your palm as you make a feeble attempt at a stretch. "Ten's a stretch, maybe the last five. Probably seven or eight, if we're being honest."

He laughs softly, laying his head back against the armrest and evoking a bit of guilt in you. "M'sorry."

"Don't be, honey." He's quick to assure you, kissing the top of your head and wrapping his arms around you just that little bit tighter. "Just get some rest. Even if it is on top of me."

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