For You | chapter 37

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DDs pov

"sooooo" melody started and i rolled my eyes knowing she was finna bring up crystal dub ass. i swear that bitch always fuck shit up.

"wassup ma" i answered just wanting to get this conversation over with. "who was that" she asked wiggling her eyes brows playfully.

i chuckled cause she always making a joke out of everything. at least she not mad. i can't take her being mad.

"crystal my ...shit ion even know" i shrugged realizing i don't even know what we was. she raised her eye brow not understanding.

"she was my girl bestfriend but i guess it was like a flirty friendship type thing so she claim we dated. me personally i don't see it that way" i say adjusting myself.

we was laying in her bed-like always- and i was lying in between her legs as we watched 'friday'.

"so you had feelings for her" she asked making sure that's what i was implying. "a lil but i got over her a while ago, then i went with ilani and we was on and off til i met you" i shrugged not really sugarcoating it.

"oh okay" she said and i felt her shrug. 'oh okay'?? so you telling me she don't even care. she don't care bout me foreal.

finna commit sewerslide.

"why" she asked me laughing. "why what? i said that out loud?" i questioned looking back at her and she nodded her head smiling with all her teeth showing, that shit made my stomach feel weird.

maybe i gotta throw up.


"cause you don't even care, you obviously don't love me" i said trynna steady my breath.

"i do love you bae. so so so much. i just trust you-" she shrugged  "you've never gave me a reason not to trust you so i'm not gonna make a big deal. you trust me right?" she asked and i nodded reluctantly.

"exactly. our relationship is built off trust...literally. you've never broke it and you've never lied to me so what imma be mad or not believe you for" she said rubbing her fingers through my hair.

man ion mean to compare mel to ilani but damn it's so hard. if this was ilani she would scream til i got a headache.

mel just so understanding though. she always avoids arguing and she listens to me. the opposite of my ex. this shit so new to me but i can get used to it.

"okay" i muttered.

we watched the movie for a lil longer before my phone started ringing. i looked at it seeing it was my momma.

i answered it and she told me i had to come home. i tried arguing and promising i would come home tomorrow but she knew i was lying. after a while i gave up and agreed hanging up.

"you gotta go?" mel asked me and i nodded not saying nothing. i looked at her with a aggravated mug on my face.

save me from this mean lady.

mel bust out laughing at me and pointed. "man yo faces be taking me the fuck out like why you gotta mug" she said with her accent heavy.

man her accent sexy. got me ready to take the consequences of not going home tonight.

"shut up" i mumbled "i'm sorry ian mean that" i said after a second .

"i didn't take it any type way" she shrugged. "i got a question though" she said making me look at her as i tied my shoes.

"you always apologizing. like always. for no reason. it's sum you wanna tell me?" she asked concerned and i looked back down at my shoes knowing she was right.

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