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Hey everyone! Long time no see(·ω<)

I know it's been a while; a while as in a few months. You all probably won't care about this unless you were actually invested in the story, but as you can see from the title, I'm thinking of having a second book in the making🤔

As I was rereading over the story, I was thinking that it was a bit short and it not enough things were solved. For example, Baekhyun's candy obsession was never figured out or solved. We also only got to see the two main characters dating for about a week, and during most of the week it was a major problem.

So there also wasn't enough romance between the two characters. I also found that Baekhyun's and Y/n's family conditions weren't explored as far as I would hope. Then I also had many ideas and fun little dramatic scenes I wanted to include in this next story. 

I'm hoping to dive deeper into Baek's illness and the relationship between him and Y/n. Maybe have a third person disrupt this flow🤷🏽‍♀️

But that's all I was thinking of. And instead of making it a separate book, I'll most likely put the second part in this story, after this update.

So if this interests anyone, I hope you can patiently wait for any updates I might have·̀.̫·́✧

For those who've read this before, you may know that my updating schedule is all over the place but that's okay!😃 

I love writing new stories and I hate when I start one and don't finish. Currently, I'm nearly finished with one on my page, but then I also have another one that I just started. Then I ALSO have another I'm working on behind the scenes😭

That one I've been writing a lot more so if I finish I might jus publish early.

Anyways, what I'm saying is that I'll try my best. I'm posting this for a heads up but I probably might not even post the first chapter for days or weeks. I want to have a few chapters already written so that way I'm prepared to update something.

Now with all that said; sorry for the rambling, I hope that whoever is even slightly interested in this story could possibly stay in tune for the second part? I don't really have high hopes but I'll try and write a lot more than I have been lately. 

highschool can be a pain in the ass😕

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