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          Hello. I apologize for not being active these past few months, I’ve been going through a lot of things lately but at least I can handle it now <3.

          I’d like to say that I’m discontinuing this book for various reasons and I will try to make more yandere books that are not like this. I think I made some progress along my writing and so. I reread this story and I am cringing so bad from how revolting this is.

          Realization struck me that this is not good nor healthy. ( not that yanderes are good or healthy in terms of mental health ) To start things with the topic I chose. Sexual assault is one of the things I really, really resent the most now. It is the main reason as to why I’m discontinuing this book. I’m disgusted of myself for even publishing this book without thinking twice and I flaunted it to somebody else as well. I’m really disappointed in myself for doing it.

          Secondly, I didn’t really know where this was going. Plus, there was no plot honestly which made it super bad.

          That’s two reasons why I’m discontinuing this book.

          I appreciate everyone who gave so many views to this book<3 I’m in awe at how much people have read this book and not report me to the police ! Haha, but truthfully, I’m really grateful for the support regardless. Thank you everyone for all.

          I’m also not putting this down unless there comes a point when I decide I will because of the main disturbing topic. However, I will make new yandere books and publish them here soon. Although, I’m not sure if anyone would like it.

That’s all. Have a great day everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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