who really cared

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Amanda walked up to us the next day. "Can I talk to you guys quickly?" She asked them. They agreed and she walked them to a bench. As she sat down they sat on the bench next to her. "I heard you want to write a newspaper for the students, but your reports are really strange and criptic."She says as she pulled out a paper that had talked of gossip and secret and at the end was the initials JM. "What males you think I wrote this?" Julia asked.

"Wwll it's been a story that everyone heard of for a week now and no-one new the original spreader. Some say it was written on the all others say it was given by a anonymous note, but I got it from Ahlehang. She got it from Tailor who heard it from Kgothatso and Ashley  .' Ayanda explained. "Wow and we know gossip spreads around quickly and to have a poster like this your in trouble from the people on that page." Kgalalelo said.

"She even added the couples who are cheating with each other they're going to be pissed at you girl." Thando said after reading it. "But I never wrote that article. " Julia complained. "Do they know that.... I didn't think so, unless you can change it we'll have to protect you. " Sibongile said. Omelemo walked up to the girls with Nolithando. "Protect her from what?" Nolithando asked. "Noli I'm in some deepshit and in trouble of being hurt by the unhappy couples of the school. This is the mess I'm in." Julia said.

"What happened for you to get in this much hof a problem?" Omelemo asked.  "There is a rumor that say I'm a part of this newspaper and from Thando's face it's not a nice newspaper. " Julia complained.  She was so stressed about it. She felt a tap on her shoulder and when she looked around it was one of the boys in her class Tshiamo. "Julia what type of bullshit is, this why would you write about me on the newspaper by saying I cheated on my girlfriend?" He asked. Julia was in shock and then she saw a girl who she assumed was an angry reader so she stood up and ran away.

"What just happened-" "Where did that bitch run off to? Come back here Julia you snake." The girl cut off Omelemo. She ran in the direction Julia ran. All of them looked at Thando. "Thando you have to save her look people are coming. " Three girls came and yelled "Chaya chomped chaya." They yelled. Thando stood up and ran after her trying to calm her down as save Julia who was running for dear life. If Thando wasn't so fast Julia would be in a fist fight at school. Little did she know that this was just the beginning.

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