~the arrival~

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It was a bright and calming day, Per usual day for Inazuma city. Itto and his gang were on their daily hunt for Itto's vision, till they stumbled upon the Tenryou commission "Arataki Itto! This is your final warning! Put the vision back or we will have to force you by battle." a familiar woman's voice shouted out. "Hehe, well well well. Isn't it Kujo sara! What brings you here today, miss?" Itto said in a smug tone frustrating Kujo sara more than she already wanted to be. She was done with his bullshit and hated when he acted like that, She wanted to do something that he would never forget. Just one thing that would stop him from getting his vision ever again, then it came to her.. Maybe if she offered to fight the Oni then she could scare him for life, so bad that he wouldn't even want to step foot near the statue in Inazuma city.

She thought that this was a great plan and wanted to proceed with it, Honestly she was desperate to get the Oni to stop getting his vision. And at this point that's all of what she thought, "Arataki Itto! I challenge you to a street fight! If I win you need to stop getting your vision but if you win you can keep your vision" The Tengou Warrior spoke. The Oni looked at her with the manlest smile "Thought you were too chicken for a Rematch" The Oni laughed " Lets get that Rematch going!" Itto yelled as he pulled out his Claymore, Kujou Sara pulled her bow out and they started to battle. The Battle lasted for hours or what felt like hours, Itto was growing tired and very sore. He had an arrow in his leg and a few broken bones from slamming his Claymore on the ground too many times, but he wasn't going to give up! No way in hell! That was too unmanly to do, so he took the pain on the chin like a man. "Is that all you got, Tangou warrior?! Hah! That fight was weak!" the oni shouted but the Warrior just kept getting more and more pissed off at the fact that this oni wouldn't just give up. "Just give up Arataki Itto! I went easy on you but now you pushed your luck!" she said, and that was the last thing the oni heard before he was struck down by some lighting..

Itto woke to the sunlight shining down on his face, he got up and yelped in pain. He didn't know where he was nor did he want to know. He was just in pain, his body ached all over and he really couldn't get up. "I see you have finally woken up" A familiar voice spoke, but Itto couldn't make out who's voice it was. In the moment Itto shouted "W-Who's there!?". The figure sighed and walked closer to the Crimson Oni. "General Gorou" The general spoke. This made Itto a little less tense knowing he was just at the doggie generals house but why? He had forgotten about what all happened a day before, it was a blur to even try to remember. "Say Doggie General.. What happened?" Itto asked, clearly curious. Gorou gave him a look of shock, then he said " Well, you refused to give your vision up and got into this big fight with Miss Kujo Sara, then she struck you with lightning. To her surprise you passed out, then she took your vision away and left you there. And I was on a walk with her excellency Kokomi and saw you and brought you back to my house". Itto barely understood half of that but smiled weakly, "thank you Doggie General..Granny Oni must be worried about me not showing up.." The Crimson Oni spoke with a sad tone. "Well, I saw that Lady Shinobu was there but she said that your ganny oni would be really worried so she begged me to take care of you since im a war general and also because I was close by. She was desperate and I couldn't say no. So I think your Ganny thinks that you're staying at my house for a while" the General spoke. Itto thought that it was generous of the General to do such a thing but.. He just did it because Shinobu was desperate..

He was sad that the General just did it because he felt pity... itto wanted to let out tears because his body felt like it was on fire after being electrocuted. He couldn't help but feel these emotions, even after what happened.. He was just a Big idiot and he knew he fucked up. This was all his fault, if he had only listened to Kujo Sara, Shinobu wouldn't have had to lie to Granny Oni and He wouldn't be a big burden to the War General..He Started to cry without noticing, "Arataki Itto? What is the matter?" Gorou asked. Itto couldn't help but let his emotions out. He really wasn't that smart, he never really had a right choice in life..

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