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Season 5 Spoilers ahead.

Read at your own risk.

Jubilation - Episode 4


"How dare you play with our feelings!" Chat Noir hissed, going full force at his opponent.

Each hit began to blur as Monarch took over Darker Owls figure. The mans smug smile being wiped off his face as Chat drew the final hit up under the chin, putting him on the ground with a grunt.

"Cataclysm!" He yelled.

The power in his hand bubbled with fury as he jumped onto the man, taking over that little bit of sanity he had left and destroying it within seconds. Destruction now ran through his veins as he angrily threw his hand towards Monarch underneath.

"No!" Ladybug yelled just in time, his hand stopping just millimetres from Darker Owls chest. One sudden move and it could destroy him, causing him excruciating pain at the touch.

But all that Chat Noir could see within those seconds was Monarch laughing at him, that smug smile coming back on his lips as he said checkmate to Ladybug all over again. He was angry that he had managed to get away, that he put them in a position he would never get to experience as long as the man was still at large.

Or alive for that matter.

His mind came back to the present at Ladybugs words, realising one thing. This was not Monarch. This was not the villain he wanted to go after. Instead, he was hiding behind a butterfly from an innocent victim who got caught up in this mess and Chat Noir was almost about to conflict pain to them without a second thought.

He tried to breathe through it, keeping his mind in check for the mission. There was one job he had to do and that was to destroy the mask that was embedded into Mr Damocles face.

Nothing else.

Ladybug's trembling breath was just heard over the bubbling power in his hands, his own breathing coming out in uneven pants. He didn't dare glace up to see her disappointing look. He already knew what to expect if he did.

It broke his heart to know he was capable of doing such a thing. That destruction could take over his sanity when it came to Monarch. Now that he knew the bubbling power only conflicted pain and not dust, that side of his brain wanted him to suffer as much of it as possible.

What kinda person had he become?

The butterfly flew past Chat's head after he pressed his hand against the mask, breaking it into tiny pieces. He could hear the wings flapping close to his ears as though it was going to turn around and akumatize him instead.

What would he even be called if that happened? What destruction could he conflict if it was controlled by Monarch himself? Maybe he could take it on and find out, destroying Monarch in the process and maybe the rest of his crazy mind with it.

Then again, he didn't know if he could control himself if Ladybug got too close.

He could never hurt her.

Chat looked to the side away from Ladybug, too afraid to make eye contact with her or Mr Damocles for that matter. He might not have known what had happened; apparently not many people did, but he felt guilty it was even a possibility what could've been.

He didn't realise he moved off from on top of the principal, standing to the side as his body went numb. Even when Ladybug spoke, trying to find the Pig Miraculous, he felt frozen to the floor. His mouth even refused to comment to lighten the mood like he normally did with these types of Akumas.

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