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No one ever said being a pirate was easy, nevermind being Hook's daughter. We've been working for Peter Pan fo a while now. I've always wanted to meet him.
One night, i noticed someone that I've never seen before, a girl, wandering through the woods. She seemed no older than me so I decided to follow her.
"Hey," I said. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
"I'm Wendy," the girl said politely. "and i have no idea what I'm doing here. I said 'I believe' and a... shadow took me here. Can you help me?" She asked. Wendy seemed like a nice girl and I really want to help her.
"Look," I say. "I'd love to help you but I have no idea how to leave. I've never been anywhere except here. I can walk with you and maybe help you find a way out, though."
"Ok. Thank you very much," she says.
"Alright then," I look back towards my dad. "Let's go."
We started walking then Wendy asks, "Where exactly is this place?"
"Neverland," I say. "Run by none other then Peter Pan."
"Who is Peter Pan? I've heard of him but no good things."
"Well..." I start. "He is sort of evil. At least from what I've heard. You see, I've never actually met him but I would like to some day."
"Well then today's your lucky day," I heard someone say in a slight British accent. We turned around and saw a boy about our age leaning up against a tree.
"I'm Peter Pan and one of you is Paige and the other isn't supposed to be here," he said with a smirk on his face.
"I'm Paige," I say.
"Wonderful," Pan said. "You girl," he pointed at Wendy, "You're not supposed to be here. Don't try and run away 'cause I'll find you no matter what. Both of you, come with me."
Wendy and I exchanged glances and followed Peter Pan.
When we arrived at his camp, all we say were boys. Those must be the Lost Boys my dad had told me about. I had only met Felix and I've dated Devin a few times but it just didn't work out.
"Paige, wait here with Devin. Wendy and Felix, come with me."
"Yes, sir," Felix said and they left me alone with Devin. We sat in silence for a little until Devin asked, "Why'd you break up with me?"
"I don't know. It was really stupid of me. I completely regreted it as soon as I did it." That was about half true. The next day I was completely over him but that wouldn't be very nice to say to him.
"Do you want to get back together then?"
"Look, Devin, your nice and all but I don't know. What would happen if Peter found out, again? Remember what happened last time?" Last time Peter got very angry at us for keeping it a secret. Or maybe he was just jealous.
"Yeah, I remember," He said. Peter and Felix came back but without Wendy.
"Where's Wendy?" I asked.
"None of your business," Felix said. i just rolled my eyes.
"Come with me," Peter said as he gave me a look that shot right through me. I followed, though, curious to what he had to say. He took me into the woods then stopped. He turned around and kissed me. When he backed up and stared at me with the most kind eyes I've ever seen him have. I opened my mouth to say something but he vanished into thin air. I looked around for him but he was nowhere in sight. I decided to head back to the Jolly Roger where my dad was probably worrying about me.
When i got back, I saw him talking to Rumplestilskin in the corner. I do NOT want to get into anything that has to do with him so I snuck down to my room, hoping Dad wouldn't notice me. I went to my room and we started moving. Fast. I looked out of the port hole and saw that we weren't anywhere I've seen before, and I've been everywhere.

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