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As the Jolly Roger pulled into the dock, I saw a group of adults I've never seen before. When we got closer, I saw that one of them was a boy that looked about my age. I was excited to meet him. I've never been friends with anyone my age, for the lost boys were either too old or too young. My dad dropped the anchor and dragged me off the ship and introduced me to the crowd of adults. There was Belle, Regina, Emma, Gold, Robin, Mary-Margaret, and Henry. All of the adults shoved me and Henry away and told him to take me on a tour of the town so we went. He showed me Gold's shop, the library and so much more. It was all so interesting. The last place Henry took me was Granny's Diner. He took me in and grabbed a seat. He ordered us some fries and chocolate milkshakes. We sat there awkwardly for a few minutes, then Henry asked "So, where are you from?" "Neverland," I said a bit uneasy. We were quite again for a few more minutes then our fries and milkshakes came. "What is this?" I asked looking at the milkshake. "Its ice cream," Henry told me. I had no idea what ice cream was but I had a sip anyways. It was delicious. I ate what he said were fries.Those were good as well. "You know, I like to dip my fries in my milkshake. It's really good like that." Henry said. I picked up a fry and stared at it. Then the milkshake. Then the fry again. I did his for about a minute until Henry grabbed my hand and dipped the fry into the milkshake himself. "Thanks," I said. "I didn't think you were gonna do it," he said laughing. I bit the french fry and oh my gosh I had never tasted anything so good in my life. I must've made some sort of face because Henry said, "I knew you would like it." and smiled. I smiled back and blushed a little bit. "Thanks for this, Henry." I said. we stood up and walked out the door. "No problem," he said and kissed me on the cheek. He started walking away and i could feel my face turn pink. We walked back to the Jolly Roger. No one was there. We checked the whole ship and no one was there. We went back out on the dock and sat there for a little bit then Henry said, "I think I know where they might be."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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