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You were getting your son ready for trick or treating dressing him up in his favorite custom outfit this year. Blood splattered all over his clothes and a fake knife that you made for him with just cardboard tape and markers gripped in his 6 year old hand ready to go with the neighborhood kids of haddonfield to trick or treat. "Okay Carter" you say while straightening out his jacket, "Now what are the rules"? You raise an eyebrow while looking at him. "Mommmy I know stay with the big kids" he looks at you bouncing on the balls of his feet. Excitement in his eyes. At that moment you can't help but to look over him 'He looks just like him' you grumble in your head. Carter grabbing your hand and dragging you to the door that was being knocked on is what took you out of your day dream. You open the door and see the 12-13 year olds with all the young kids Carter's age. "Give me a kiss" you say. Carter rolls his eyes and let's you kiss his cheek. "Okaaaaay mommy there's not gonna be any candy left can we please goooo" he tries to state his case. You wouldn't think he was only 6. You look at the oldest kid. "Please keep an eye out on him and only a couple hours" you state looking at your son not really wanting him to go out on Halloween night. "Of course Miss (l/n) we'll have him home. She gently takes Carter's hand and ushers the kids to start walking. You sigh watching them leave your front porch. "That kid is gonna be the death of me" you exclaim out loud as you shut the front door. Turning around looking over all the decorations in your house you really didn't know what to do without Carter being there. He always kept you on your toes. You decided you were going to watch his Carter's favorite movie. Halloweentown, as you get your bowl of candy and a bag of chips you sit down and pop on the movie. You sit there watching the movie your mind drifting off thinking about Carter's dad missing him terribly. Michael where are you?

The last time you saw him was 4 years ago when Carter was only two. You were coming back from grocery shopping and there he was standing in your kitchen waiting for you, you would never forget that day. It was the first time he saw Carter. He didn't even spare you a glance that day all he could look at was Carter, like they had some sort of connection that could never be broken. Almost like they could read each other's minds feelings and emotions, and like a gravitational pull he glided over to you and took him out of your arms and just stared at you. He knew this was his son. His eyes went from you back to the two year old squirming in his massive hands. He looked down at him and tilts his head to the side. Carter started giggling while he was doing that and in one swift motion walking past me to the couch he sat down with Carter on his lap and just stared at him the whole time. That was the last time you saw his daddy. The whole time he was here he wouldn't take his eyes off of his son, he was in complete fascination.

The doorbell rang snapping you out of your thoughts. 'Now who could that be' you think walking to the door. "Hey (y/) I'm glad your home do you wanna hang out maybe drink a beer or two"? You look at the gentleman in front of you. Tony. He's quite annoying always harassing you. He has great charm but you know all he wants to do is fuck. You overheard him and his friends talking one day at work that's why you haven't given him the time of day. He's your coworker and unfortunately for you he's also your neighbor. You slightly smile and ponder it for a bit .. hmm maybe just to get your mind off Michael. "Sure come on in I hope you have the beer like you offered I can use a drink" you say while walking back into the house. "Yeah of course I do" he states. "I ran out of candy to pass out and got bored" he finishes looking at you and plops on the couch. "Yeah well you're lucky I still got some you giggle and sit down next to him. You resume the movie.

-Carters POV

Carter walks home by himself after the big kids ditched him. He finds his way home not being far from the house and sits on the steps and gets into his bag of candy. "Oh my favorite suckers" !! He yells opening up the wrapper and popping it into his mouth "yummy" he says muffled, looking into his bag a big shadow casts over him. Carter looks up and gasps "Daddy" !! He yells looking up at the man in the mask. The shape sticks out his hand for Carter to grab as he does with no hesitation. And he walks silently hand in hand with Carter to the back of your house while Carter rambles on about the night to his dad. As they enter the house through the back door the shape looks down to his kin and points to the stairs and puts his finger over his mask to let him know to go upstairs and be quiet.

-Your POV

You're laughing at something Tony said. It wasn't necessarily funny but you were beaming after those two beers. As he's talking you see movement out the corner of your eye and you look over to see nothing. "What's wrong" ? He says while looking at you. "Nothing it's just getting late my son should be home any time now" you say getting up and shutting off the movie that had the credits rolling. "Ahhhh that's too bad huh" he mumbles eerily. He stands up abruptly, looking at you "Y'know I always had a thing for you ... Still do." He Mumbles on, Staring back at him "I'm with someone Tony, remember" ? Trying to reason with him feeling uneasy. "Oh you mean the dad that nobody has ever seen before not even your closest friends"? He questions stepping toward you with every word and now standing in front of you. You look at him bewildered "Okay I think it's time to go I'll see you at work tomorrow" you hastily exclaim feeling nervous walking around him. Suddenly from behind he tackles you onto the couch you let out a shriek. He then flips you over violently on the couch so you're face to face now.  "You know .. you have such a stick up your ass (y/n) but don't worry I'ma rip it out of ya" he says angrily as you're about to scream for help, a knife is plunged through his neck blood immediately squirts out and covers your face with the warm substance. The knife is violently ripped out of his neck and you see a hand on top of his head gripping his hair as the knife plunges back into his neck again and again and again. At this point you can't help the scream that comes out of your mouth it's not that you were scared you were more disgusted at the blood that was in your mouth. Tony is ripped off you and thrown to the floor with the shape getting on top of him and stabbing him repeatedly in the chest, Even though he was long gone. Overkill. You're looking at him from behind and your chest tightens when he stands up. You know who it is. 

"Michael.. your home".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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