Public Bathrooms

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Okay people lets get into this shall we?

Just give me a moment to prepare myself...

*turns on heavy metal*

Alrighty then my first topic shall be about the horridness of public restrooms. Now I'm not one of those people that will just not go relieve themselves when out and about because they dread using the restrom, but lately I've been considering it.

You're in walmart and halfway through shopping you find that you should start heading to the nearest bathroom.

Upon finding the bathroom I always have this stage of mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to see.

Usually its fine the bathrooms are relatively clean and the world is somewhat okay,but then you get those bathrooms that look like they haven't been cleaned in ages.

I always wash my hands and generally refuse to use paper towel but the hand dyers take to long and if I just let my hands drip-dry then it'll take ages to have non wet hands. Then there's the problem of opening the door afterwards sure you can push it open with your shoulder elbow knees and/or toes but what if you run into a pull door? Touch the handle and you'll gain every single germ you just washed off give or take a few. Its not like you can pull the handle with any thing other than your hand either.

Then there's the other glorious people in the bathroom with you.

One time I was in the bathroom with a little girl and she just walked out of her stall and skipped out. No washing her hands. Nothing.

What's worse is that that same bathroom had a pull handle and as I went to leave guess who's germs I would be letting manifest on my hands?

Yeah. I pee at home now if possable.

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