Chapter 4

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The next day, Cyan's alarm woke her from her sleep and she groggily got up from her bed. After looking around she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Then it hit her. Tiny Cyan. She bolts up from her bed and frantically runs from the cabin to start searching the ship.

She looked everywhere. The engines, navigation, electrical. The only place she hasn't been yet is the Medbay. Maybe it misses it's little house cylinder thing?
She turns the corner from the upper engine, but stops when she hears a rattling in the vents. "Nice try Lime, but you're not pranking me today." The rattling stops and Cyan nods in satisfaction. She turns the corner into the Medbay, but is stopped by an image that will forever haunt her. White was dead, his corpse losing massive amounts of blood from a hole in his chest. So she did the only rational thing, and screamed her head off.

Everyone was gathered around the cafeteria table, minus Blue. Red slams a fist on the table. "I knew that something like this would happen, but did you listen to me? Oh no. You were so excited to have an alien on board."
Lime raises his hands. "Hey, we don't know it was the alien."
Red rubs the place in his helmet where his nose would have been. "Lime, White has a gaping hole in his chest and for all we know, Blue is dead too!"

This slowly devolved into everyone just yelling at each other, until Blue finally arrived, with tiny Cyan. "What's everyone yelling for?"
Everyone turns to Blue in silence until they all (minus Red) dog piled him. "You're alive!"
Blue manoeuvres his way out of the group hug. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Red, ever the blunt one, steps forward. "White is dead Blue. That thing killed him. So step away."
Blue tilts his head in confusion. "But he's been with me all day."
Red is surprised. "I'm sorry what?"
Blue picks up tiny Cyan. "Yeah. I stepped on him when I was leaving the bunks so I took him to eat and kept it with me. Then when I was in electrical, the doors shut and there was some banging in the vents so I assumed that Lime was messing with me."
Lime is now confused. "But I wasn't in the vents today."
Purple points at Lime. "But Cyan heard you in the vents!"

Everyone went back to yelling as Cyan walks up to her tiny counterpart. "Were you with Blue?" The mini crewmate nods. Cyan looks down at mini Cyan in deep thought. She looks over the tiny person to see any sign of betrayal and saw none. But that might due to a lack of a face. Wait a minute. "Everyone take off your helmets!"
Eveyone looks at Cyan confused before doing so, revealing their faces. Except Purple. "Purple, take off your helmet."
"I don't see how this is relevant in any way to what we're doing."
Cyan gestures to tiny Cyan. "They can't take off their helmets because it's not a helmet. So if you're real, it shouldn't be a problem for you."

Purple is almost perfectly still before his stomach opens up to reveal a familiar set of teeth and gore. The crew scattered as Purple chases them around in an attempt to kill them. Unknown to them, tiny Cyan is liquifying once again, but instead of compressing, the goo is getting bigger until it solidifies on the form of a black crewmate suit which assumes the same set of teeth in the stomach as Purple before tackling him.

The crewmates gather at the side of the room watching the aliens fight. Pink adds her two cents to the situation. "Should we help?"
Blue shakes his head. "I'm not touching this."
Cyan looks over to the airlock and slowly shuffles her way over to it while the aliens continue duking it out, each getting a few hits in, but as Purple uses his lance to try to stab Black, Cyan opens the airlock, drawing Purple's attention away long enough for him to miss and Black shoves him in the airlock, Cyan quickly closing it as Purple throws himself against the glass repeatedly.

Throwing suspicious glances at Black, the crewmates assemble in front of the airlock.
Red crosses his arms. "Looks like you need to answer our questions if you don't want to freeze to death."
"There are fates worse than death." He uses his lance to attack the door of the airlock, cracking it. Thinking fast, Cyan presses a button on the airlock, ejecting Purple into the vacuum of space.
"Well, with that taken care of," he turns to the remaining Imposter, "what are we gonna do with you?"
Lime raises his hand. "I mean, it did help save our lives, so maybe we could keep it?" This is met with unanimous agreement from the other crewmates.
Red sighs. "Fine. It's proved it's loyalty so it can stay. But if it so much as sneezes in a way I think is suspicious, airlock, understand?" The crew nod. "Good. Now I have to find out how Purple got through MIRA's security.

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