Le chapitre où je flex parler francais

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Their trip was peculiar, in more than one way . It started on the day they left : not only did Dottore brought flowers with him , and some came from the Damselette's gardens ( prompting them to leave even earlier to avoid her wrath ) , but he brought actually nothing else . A notebook , some spare clothes, and that was it. No weapons, no particular chemical , just , clothes, notebook , and the flowers .

Pantalone wondered if it was for Baizhu . Him or his grave , a mean voice inside of him growled . He felt uneasy, knowing that the Doctor cared enough about someone else to bring them flowers , and to bring a very nice and costly Sumerian gown . Was the Regrator about to third-wheel ? He sure hoped he didn't . Not only did it set something ablaze inside of him, but , he wasn't going to Liyue for that reason, and holding the candle would just slow him down .

Il Dottore wondered why Pantalone was so cold towards him for the duration of the trip . Did he do something to offend him ? As he sat in the train leading to Fontaine's capital, he looked over at Pantalone . That man was absolutely furious . And worst part is, Zandik didn't even knew why .

The Liyuean had a big frown on his face , and his hands were shaking a bit as he lifted his teacup . Did he brew the tea wrong perhaps ? He seemed to enjoy it last time ... The Regrator was so confusing some times ...

Zandik decided to look out the window, bidding farewell to Snezhnaya's great mountains and snowy landscape . Soon, they'll be in Fontaine . His second home - at least before he got kicked out . He liked the country, and even more its capital . There were so many inventors , and since the country was just next to Sumeru, he could feel his mind almost expand . It was hard to describe, but it was as if the shackles put on his consciousness faded away the closer he got to Irminsul. And now, he was starting to feel with a childlike excitement the return of his powers .

Oh, he wanted to try them on someone so badly, maybe even Pantalone, but as he made a quick glance towards him, he figured it wouldn't be such a great idea . Next time then ...
Or not. He opened the window near some Fatuis standing guard , and just smirked . Oh, it was coming back ! Small for now , but greater later ! He held it open with his mind, smiling, as the two soldiers desperately tried to close it once again, the cold spreading in the room .

- Dottore, stop it. » his voice was as cold as ice , and as sharp as a blade . His purple eyes looked straight at Zandik, who just raised his shoulders .

- What ? It's my fault if the wagon is faulty ? » he pleaded, teasing the banker . But Pantalone wasn't playing at all .

- I said , stop it . You're going to have all the time in the world to put on your silly tricks in Sumeru . But now you're just getting on my nerves . »

- What are you, the fun police ? » Zandik raised his eyes to the sky, and finally let the window close . God damn, what was up with Pantalone ... Did he lose money or something ?
Zandik was already regretting agreeing to this trip .


They arrived in Fontaine's Capital the same night . Pantalone still had a broom up his ass , and Zandik was getting bored of him . So, he just left him at the station, and wandered through the streets .

Of course, he had stopped in the restrooms prior, and looked at himself in the mirror . His pale blue hair turnt brown, and he took off his Fatui mask . He now had a normal face, but of someone he didn't knew . There still were posters of him with his « normal » face after all.

A normal face ... yeah, he supposed he kind of longed for it, judging by the time he spent looking at this stranger's face . Smooth skin, a brown beard, and eyes of melted gold . If he had a face like that, no one would hate him. He'd be handsome, powerful, and ... what was he thinking. Being handsome would never alleviate his crimes . Though it could alleviate his consciousness . Living with his own face meant he had a constant reminder of all the atrocities he committed . His burnt skin was a reminder of when he was shunned from his village . The ripped out skin at his jaw was the result of a crazed subject tearing it out with their long now inhumane nails .

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