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Some weird shit just happened...I was on my way home just now on da bus w/da fam and wen I got on it was dis boy he was sittin in da back so I went in da back all the way In the other corner and he just started talkin ta me so he was like how my baby cousin pretty I was like Thnk u and he was like u pretty to I gave him I kno im cute look den I said Thnk u den he threw some shit in my pocket and I was like yo wtf and I looked in my pocket and it was candy I was like ermmmm...no Thnk u so im in my head and im like just get me off dis bus please Jesus and he was just talkin and im just sittin dea w/my head down dwn he was like u got fb Instagram kik messenger ooVoo I said no ta all like nigga idk u foh so he got off the bus and I was like thank god it was weird

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