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Maybe it was only a matter of time, inevitable.

Maybe it was only the pent up stress seeking relief.

Maybe it was only suffocating tension reaching its peak.

Maybe it was pure excitement, thrill, adrenaline, sexual frustration, heat of the moment...

Or maybe it was just him.

Whatever reasons minho conjured up to excuse the slight immorality of their actions, they all  diminished as soon as jisung had gotten on his knees in between the ravenettes legs.

and begged.

Admittedly, it had caught him by surprise because... because this wasn't jisung. Recalling his many previous experiences regarding the boy, jisung was not one to simply get on his knees and confess his lewd fantasies to his professor. His professor whom he pestered, snapped back at and annoyed. Whom he'd do anything and say anything to retrieve the attention he needed.

His surprise however quickly subsided into a pool of satisfaction in his stomach. Was this what it felt like to have someone completely under your control? Minho knew he was charming and his pretty privileges had gotten him around quite a bit... but never...never like this.

The realisation was exhilarating. The power he now had was one he'd never abuse in a hurtful way, but in this state he had no plans to stop.

han jisung, the one who did everything he could to make minho's life and job a nightmare was situated on his lap.

and they were kissing.

Kissing wouldn't even cut it - it was different from a soft sweet peck, or a brief slotting of lips. It was different from all the other ways he had kissed his hasty hook ups, and different from all the ways he had ever been kissed himself.

Yes, they had all wanted him - wanted his body and a 'hot boyfreind.' But the way jisung was restlessly moving his body higher up his lap and sliding his hands up to grip minho's face so he could kiss deeper wasn't a want. It was a need.

When you want something, it's always out of reach. You want it but you won't do anything to get it unless it comes to you first. If it doesn't come to you itself, you settle for something else until the want becomes just an irrelevant wish amongst other unfulfilled ones, waiting for another one to replace it. The cycle continues.

But when you need something... you will do anything to have it. You can't function without it, as if it's a missing part of you. It nags at you until it's all encasing. Whether it takes you weeks or years to finally have it, you need it so bad that you can't simply let go.

This is what it feels like to be needed.

Because jisung had done anything he could, even if it meant humiliating himself in front of everyone, just to have this moment. Just to have him.

Minho's hand slowly travelled up the nape of jisung's neck and dug his fingers lightly into the skin. He squeezed quickly, wanting to elicit a certain reaction from jisung.

Jisung flinched in his lap and his mouth parted from the unexpected position.

how was it possible for him to be so fucking perfect?

a newfound surge of gratification sharply poked at minho's heart - jisung was like a puppet under minho's touch. A small squeeze at the base of his neck had him unravelling - and he wanted to do nothing more than indulge in all of jisung's whimpers and whines until it got to the point where minho's name was the only word on jisung's lips. Until minho is the only thing on his mind.

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