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Sophia's POV:

I excitedly stepped out of the carriage, Excited to finally reunite with Ari "Ari!!!, Ari!!! I'm home!!" I called.


Everyone had a serious look on their faces, I immediately knew something was wrong, I approached the head maid "What happened?!" I asked her, she looked down "A-ari accidentally spilled coffee on your father, Milady"

W-what... Since when did she start serving my father?!

"And?!! What did father do?!?!" I grabbed the head maid by her shoulders "H-he killed her, Milday!" she fell on her knees and cried "She was a very kind girl, How did it end up like this?" she added

K-killed? Ari? Ari was killed?.... By my own Father?!

I stormed into my father's room and saw Ari's body still there "What have you done!!??!?!" I couldn't contain my anger and grabbed his gun and pointed it at him "Hey hey, Why would you get mad over a livestock getting killed?" He smiled "Livestock?! Well let me tell you something!, you're just livestock to me as well!!, I've never once felt you were my father, let alone family, You were nothing to me, Only Ari was my family, And. you. killed her!!!" I let all my anger out, I couldn't help it.... I couldn't...


I shot him in the chest, "Sophia!!" My father cried out

I can't hear anything.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

When I came into my senses, It was too late, He was dead...No, He was killed.... by me. Blood was all over the room "Milady!!" the servant shrieked in terror after seeing the bloody room "Tell everyone to get out of here, I'm burning this house" I said as I grabbed the match.

I hugged Ari's body "Aristocracy? Nobility? Hah, nothing could ever be worse than this shit, I'D RATHER LIVE IN THE SLUMS, FUCK ALL ARISTOCRATS, TO HELL WITH YOU ALL!!!!!" I screamed my Lungs out while crying and holding Ari in my arms. "yeah, Ari, I'm going to you, wait for me" I lit the match and dropped it on the floor, Flames started to rise and spread. I hugged Ari as I struggled to breathe, suffocating from the smoke.

"Lady Young!" 


"Lady Young!!" 

I could hear a familiar voice calling my name, But I passed out due to lack of oxygen.

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