Rainy, With A Chance Of A Flustered Fennec

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Pitter patter, pitter patter.

The rain runs down from the dark sky above you, caught by the leaf that lies above your head as you try to take shelter from the heavy rain that seems like it should be a bad omen all on it's own.

Great. Just great.

Especially since Tighnari finally decided to pair you two up on patrol together.

The man in question sat beside you underneath your makeshift shelter. Ears drooping, eyes glaring into the scene before you, knees pinned to his chest by his arms and tail, his obviously pissed demeanor somehow makes the already awkward atmosphere even more tense.

You gulp a bit, looking around for at least something to break the extremely uncomfortable silence. Alas, you would never be as lucky to find a sentance topic around you besides the rain, the thunder, and the exact same things that Tighnari is seeing and extremely annoyed at.

Well, you gotta start somewhere.

"So .... how's it been?" It's a generic question and you think know the answer, but at least it makes the atmosphere a little less uncomfortable.

Tighnari sighs. "Fine, I suppose. If you don't account for the unexpected and extremely random thunderstorm. You know, the one so severe that we had to put a complete halt to our patrols so we didn't get flash flooded?" He gestures to the scene before you, slumping over and letting out exasperated sigh. "Then yes, everything is just perfect."

You blink a few times, taken aback at Tighnari's snappy response, opening your mouth before closing it again. It's probably best not to say anything anyways.

Well, that didn't work.

You two sit in silence for a while. Somehow, the atmosphere got even tenser, neither of you seem to really want to say anything to change it. 

Tighnari was the first to speak up.

" ... I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, I didn't mean for it to come out that way."

"It's fine, just caught me off guard." You admit. "I didn't really expect it."

"Yeah, I understand. Still though, it's just ..." He pauses as he tries to find the words. "... frustrating."

"In what way?" You can think of a few examples off of the top of your head, but there's probably a lot more knowing Tighnari. It's fine though, you don't mind.

You love his thoughts.

It's just a shame you don't hear them more.

"Well," he begins listing off the mishaps and inconvieniences of the day on his hand. "First of all, as I said, this storm was completely random. I don't exaggerate when I say that either! Nonetheless, it's very hard to plan for a flash flood in general, not knowing about it only makes it worse."

Tighnari moves on to his second finger.

"Not only that, but the rain being as heavy as it is has thrown a massive cog into anything I had planned today, and likely anything that the other forest rangers had been assigned as well. This will be a massive hit to research, patrols, everything!"

You inch closer to Tighnari with every reason he finds to hate today in particular. By his third finger on his hand, though, you can't exactly blame him.

Today has been rough for everyone with the sudden storm, but for someone like Tighnari, as productive and perfectionistic he is, it isn't out of the ballpark to assume he would be a hit a little harder by the time delay.

Tighnari has always been someone who devotes a lot of time and energy into his passions. One of those passions is botany and with it comes his forest ranger occupation. The way his eyes almost sparkle as he explains his favorite plants - often mushrooms - before giving an almost-pout as you stare into them, thinking you weren't paying attention. You were, not to worrry, you just enjoyed teasing him. He'd lightly smack you on the back of the head after. You'd laugh as he gets more and more 'annoyed' at the lighthearted teasing, especially when you point out how much his tail wags every time you speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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