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"These are for you..."  the boy said as he handed you a messy bouquet of lavender roses. You smiled at him as you took the bouquet.

"Thank you.. these are beautiful" you said as you kissed him at the cheek, which caught him of guard as he blushed bright red. You chuckled at his reaction.





"You'll stay with me forever right?" The same boy asked but this time he looked different. "Of course, I will we made a promise didn't we?" You said as you smiled at him.

"Good, cause I don't want it any other way" he said as he placed his hand over yours. You blushed at the contact which made him smile.






"Here–" the boy said as he handed you a necklace, you examined it. It was designed as half of a heart in which a pressed lavender rose was there.

"–you better wear that.." he continued as he looked away from you. You wore the necklace as you smiled. "Thank you" you said as you hugged his arm, in which you spotted he has one too.







"Don't touch her please anyone than her.." the boy said as he looked at another person. "Please, I beg you.. leave her out of this... she doesn't have anything to do with this.." he pleaded as he limped over to you.

Gently holding you against him, "No.. don't do this.. please" you pleaded as you gently cried in his shoulder. "Shh... its going to be alright" he said as he gently storked your hair.

You then felt him place a kiss on your forehead, as he whispered this "In another life, I will find you my love.. wait for me" as he stood up and started to fight the enemy once more.

Your vision was quite blurry but, you could still see who is who. You were mentally praying for him to win but not every pray will be answered. As the sword went through his chest.

"I love... you" he said as he fell to the ground blacking out. You widen your eyes as tears started to fall. "No! Please no!" You said as you just witnessed the person you loved killed infront of you.

The person then went over to you as they stabbed you. "I apologize.." they said as you blacked out.






You jolted up in your bed sweating, you placed your hand over your forehead as you steadied your breathing. "What a weird dream.." you said as you looked at the time. 6:05AM, you then decided to start your day. After having a weird dream.

"Lavender roses.. huh?"

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