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I have a thought...About how we may have been created...You seeThe universe, The world, The Creatoris such a difficult thing to wrap your head around sometimes, and going too deep into it to explore may leave you confused or possibly crazy.But your not crazy nor will you ever be looking for the truths!There is NO answers! No actual answers to the questions that we all wanna know, The questions that we begin to push aside, The questions that connect us to this land and to who we are! And imma explain my theoryNot saying its true but it might dam be a possibility, because anything is possible right?I believe ENERGY is the answer, as crazy as it is. Energy is more powerful than you could possibly know running through every DNA of a living thing, running through air, bigger than technology, holding strands of knowledge going far beyond to the point where its purely clear.Our souls are the true form of who we are, not a form but SOUL ENERGY.Our body is an object, weighing down fighting with gravity holding us put. Our body is in solid form, feeling physical and confined into a tight space feeling trapped, with the human well-being. Everything is energy and everything is connected.You see animals... for exampleIf you were to truly look and see, you would not only find but feel the thoughts and or emotions of the animal, being able to communicate in another level. That's energy, Soul energy.We are all one!Think of it this way...We started off as an energy roaming around through time, like a power source running along wires, shooting through the core, Time has been moving before the earth is and once was. Portals or universes, time loops, our soul energys have been running through time since forever.We were partials, being as our true form, smaller than dust, so small that it runs through everything being all connected.We were partials of energyRoaming Then beginning to create,Forming into solids,Mixing, Like bacteria migrating...Like mixing blue and red makes purple, like A plus B equals C...Creating more multiplying. Say those particles created animalsmultiplying more and more creating a world of animals of all kinds, Creating more and new variations of solids, of animals, of bodies.Soul Energy mixing with Energy ParticlesSouls being in bodies, souls in animals, souls in solid form being any shape or form. And monkeys arrived,And so i have a couple theorys:Maybe one day a monkey saw an alien...Watching and observing its behaviour, causing the monkey to copy, affecting and evolving a certain type soon spreading? Leaving us questions with how and why... So that takes us to my next theory...Maybe an alien abducted a monkey, tested on it with themselves developing a Physical Particle 'Humans'Placing a female and male on earth to observe them, what they'll do and what they'll create?And maybe because of how fucked up its gotten they don't wanna communicate only appearing when they need to?You ask how people are different colours, its all about the environment, our bodies adjust to the environment needed to survive even if it takes time soon evolving.CulturesTraditionsWere created all over to help one another be guided and stay safe, to set simple boundaries for the unknown. Because they didn't know what was out there they came together holding each other up believing they have someone bigger than them to protect them spiritually. Something to look up to, something to give them reason and hope when you have nothing else.That god is just your Spiritual Energy, the energy that is higher than you the energy that can see clearly past the mess, the energy you cannot see feel or hear because its within you. Gods were created for the ones that wanted to settle for less The ones that couldn't fight to see the truthGods were created to stop the imagination of lifeGods were created to stop looking for answers and to be in the here and nowGods are just the cover to the book Gods are like sugar coating the candy, the truth they do not wanna know.Gods are like saying, Im gonna stop here because its seems easier to read because it has more information and seems less scarier.Gods were created to protect their own, Gods all have the same intentions just different words,its because its no god or the gods that make this and who we are its ENERGY its us.And energy is so dam big its something that could never be explained or written down

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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