Chapter #3 | Sweetener

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Third Person's POV

Hoseok groans as he stretched his body, hearing a bit of bone cracks he smiled in relief, " want water hyung? " a familiar deep monotone voice spoke making hoseok flinch a little

" oh gosh tae, you scared me so much " letting out a relieved chuckle, taehyung offered him the bottle " thank you tete " he smiles as he opens up the bottle gulping down the liquid inside whilst doing a split

" you arrived here earlier and you're still practicing hyung? " taehyung spoke, eyeing the male's body in the mirror

" mhm, gotta be good at it so the fan's will love it " he says putting the bottle away as he now stretches his arms, " you want me to help you stretch hyung? " taehyung asks out of nowhere as the younger gulped

" sure...? " the orange haired male stood up as taehyung placed his hands in the male's petite waist, hoseok leaned on the wall as he then too placed his hands in the wall as taehyung pulled him backwards

" ah gosh " hoseok moans out not noticing a dark familiar figure entered the room, " oh yoongi hyung!, good afternoon " responding with a nod yoongi sipped his coffee as he then too was distracted by hoseok's body

" hobi hyung lay down i needa stretch your legs " nodding in response taehyung lets go of his waist as he obediently laid down on the floor, taehyung kneeled besides him as he slowly pulled the male's leg upwards as hoseok grunts, the unnoticed male sending daggers to their way

as he then did the other leg, hoseok moans out softly " gosh taehyung.. didn't know i needed that " he sighs as taehyung lend him his hand helping him to sit up

" hehe, hyung do you wanna go out after this? just you and me? " taehyung asks as they both sat comfortably on the floor

" hmm, where to taehyungie? " he asks as he took his waterbottle from earlier, gulping down the liquid left

" han river " taehyung said, " han river?, just the two of us? " hoseok repeated the younger male's words " yes hyunggg " hoseok smiled as he nods making taehyung go jumpy and shit

" really???? just me and you and you and me??? " taehyung jumps up and down out of excitement as hoseok nods with a smile

" yes blah blah " taehyung then soon tackled the male, raining his face with pecks and kisses " goo awaayy go brush your teeth you're stinky " taehyung pouted wanting to act rebellious but his thoughts were changed of the thought of him and his hyung on han river, listening to music, watching the moon glistening on the river

he shot up as hoseok flinched once again, " now where are you going? " he asks as taehyung had determination written all over his face " i shall brush my teeth for my beloved hyung, i shall be back " the younger said in a straight face as he rushed out of the room leaving hoseok to laugh alone

his laughs were stopped as his eyes landed to the male in the corner, eyes shooting daggers at him " oh.. "

not wanting things to be awkward, he stood up, taking his phone and water he decided to leave the room

but suddenly he felt a grasp on his wrist, as he was pulled back to the room, he felt his back hit the wall by hearing a thud, his heart was beating so fastly, face heating up and what's the cause of that?

yoongi cornered hoseok on a corner, trapping him inside, as his dainty wrist were caged by yoongi's bigger ones yoongi stares at him as his hands caressed the male's face " why are you always with taehyung? " jealousy hinting at his voice

hoseok bit his lip, he doesn't know what to do, should he ran away?, push him away?, with so many choices he froze in the spot not being able to do anything he just stares at the elder male

' he looks much more handsome upfront ' yoongi's face suddenly turned red as he shook it off, " did i said that out loud? " that's where yoongi snapped as he released his grip from the male and came out of the room, face red, unsure of his actions and now leaving the confused hoseok, alone

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