Visha In-charge Of The Twins

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"Alright, Ace. It's your time to shine! Show that bitch sister of mine that you can do and be anything!" I said as I looked at those beautiful eyes

"Woof Woof!" He barks then likes my face

I went into place and placed the guitar on Ace's paws

"That's the spirit! And a 1, and a 2, and a 1 2 3!" I counted then used his paws to strum the guitar as I started to sing "Oh you're a bitch! You're a bitch! You're a Bitch! A Bitch! BITCH!"

"FUCK YOU, OLLIE! I'M RIGHT AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT!" Tanya shouted as she gave me the middle finger

"SURE! IF IT HELPS YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!" I shouted, as I was giving her the middle finger

"ACE IS NOT GOING THROUGH AN IDENTITY CRISIS!" Tanya shouted as she aimed her gun at me

-10 minutes ago-

"Ace is not going through an identity crisis, Ollie." Tanya said

"How come?" I asked, petting Ace

"Well, for starters, he's wagging his tail and looks happy." Tanya said as if she has stated the obvious

"Well, he's going through an identity crisis in my story." I said

"Well change it. You're going to offend people who are actually going through an identity crisis." Tanya said

"Well too bad! I'm 11 and don't know much about this world yet!" I said as I got my tongue out and said "Bleh!"

I went to ace and picked him up then looked at him in the eyes

-Back to the present-

I pulled out my gun and aimed it at her and shouted "TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME, TANYA!"

We stared down at each other for a good minute or so, then an all out war started... Good thing, Ace went outside

We were evenly matched but Tanya was gaining the upper hand. We didn't notice that 2 people went into the room and saw us fighting each other. The 2 men looked at each other then left. Leaving us to continue our brawl

Until, Tanya pinned me down and said "I win, Ollie. Admit defeat."

"Fuck You!" I exclaimed, as I tried to get out of jer pinning move

"Alright you asked for it!" Tanya said, as she opened her mouth and let her saliva slowly fall, close to my face

"EWWW! STOP! YOU BITCH!" I shouted, making her slurp it back up and asked "What are you gonna do, Ollie?"

"I still got, one secret weapon that only I can use!" I said

"What? Call for mom?" She asked with a scoff
"Our biological mother is back at the capital. Who are you gonna call, now?"


Tanya's eyes went wide as she covered my mouth and said "Are you crazy?!"

I liked her hands, making her let go of me. I took the chance and escaped from my imprisonment then we both went for a swing. Until "MAJOR TANYA VON DEGURECHAFF AND OLIVIA VON DEGURECHAFF! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!"

We stopped at our tracks and looked to see Visha with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face

A bit of backstory, to let you understand, on ho, Visha can scold us. Well, the answer to your question is relatively simple. It was thanks to a good old granddad. He saw one of our fights, one day and figured that even though we were exceptional soldiers, we were still kids and kids fight sometimes for stupid reasons... Which I think is bullshit. Sir Quackington is much better than General Ivanaber (A stuffed toy bear given to Tanya as a present from our biological family while I got a new outfit for Sir Quackington).

As a way to "keep us in check". He decided to make our adjutant... Our fucking babysitter when were not in battle or during a meeting. Visha can't tell us what to do about military stuff, we call the shots but after that stuff, she becomes our babysitter. Now, other than fighting, he also found out that Tanya and I don't eat a lot and would skip meals to finish work as well as sleep less. So, yeah... Visha is the one calling the shots for mainting good health and us not killing each other for "stupid reasons". So now that you're caught up

We started arguing about who started it. Mainly, Tanya blaming me and me blaming Tanya

"Enough!" Visha exclaimed then handled everything like a responsible adult would do

After stopping us from killing one another, she faced The Colonel Technical Officer and said "Please forgive them. They are very talented soldiers but once in a while, they act their age but never on the battlefield. Only during off hours."

"There's nothing to be worried about. I'm actually quite happy that those two can act their age. It's the least they could do after all they have done for the empire." The Colonel Technical Officer said with a smile

While Tanya and I blushed as we were sat down on the couch

"Then, I will be leaving." Visha said then looked at the two of us and said "Majors, no more fighting and don't forget to eat your lunch or else, I won't make coffee for 3 days. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Visha." Both of us said. She nodded her head then left

Leaving, us two and the Technical Officer in the room

As he took a seat in front of us, he said with a smile "Majors, I read from a report that you two, use the elenium type 97 and not the type 95. May I ask, why is that?"

"To answer you're question, sir. Olivia and I don't want our enemies to get their hands on our technology. We use the type 95 in urgent situations only and even so we still used the type 97 during those types of situation." Tanya said to which I nodded in agreement

"Uhmm... Sir? Can you forget what happened early?" I asked with a hopeful smile to which he laughed and said "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. I'm just here to congratulate you both for conviencing the norden army for a winter assault."

"What?" Both of us said confused

"Oh, don't be like that. We all know your plans for a winter assault. I came here to tell you that the norden army approved for a winter assault." He said with a smile

"Where is General Ludeldorff?"

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