How this Started...

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"I'm not really sure how this happened... but I know where it began..."


A storm surrounded the peaceful Angel Island, rain pounding on the surface of old stone and soaking the vibrant green grass, thunder cracking in the distance, before the clouds slowly drifted away and bright rays of sunshine piercing through the barrier of clouds. At the entrance to the remnants of the Master Emerald Shrine, a bright flash of purple energy appeared as a similarly colored hedgehog dropped from the air and landed on the ground. Standing up, he held a Chaos Emerald up in his hand before putting it away and saying, "Alright... this is where I'm supposed to go?"

The hedgehog walked up the old ruin stairs up to the Master Emerald, which was glowing with a piercing green glow but at the same time lightly flickering, as if some sort of connection was severed. The Purple hog slowly put his hand to the Emerald and could feel the energy pulsing from it, but at the same time, something seemed off about the energy. The energy suddenly spiked as the Hog briefly disappeared before reappearing in the Sky Sanctuary, a collection of floating ruins surrounding Angel Island. The hedgehog shook his head as he looked to an open doorway, with fresh rubble surrounding it. He walked inside and saw what he thought was a giant chair, with a faint glow coming from a gear like symbol in the middle.

"What... is this?" The Hedgehog said as he climbed up and put his hand to the symbol, before the thing suddenly lit up and like that. The hedgehog was gone once again.

After a bright flash he came through the symbol clearly dazed and confused before he got his bearings. "Ugh... where on earth... What on earth is this place?" He said as he noticed he was in an entirely new location, with dark clouds surrounding the land and the ocean waves off the side of a cliff crashing together like an eternal war. There was also littered remains of some type of robots all over the ground, some still sparking with red electricity.

The hedgehog continued to observe his surroundings before the ground shook with a massive force striking the ground in the distance, knocking the hedgehog off of his feet. At the same time, he dropped the Emerald he was carrying, but it didn't hit the ground. Instead, it began to float before it suddenly shot off in a wave of yellow light. "Hey! Come back here!" The hedgehog said as he quickly hopped up and shifted into his werehog form as he took off after the Emerald.

As he'd almost caught up with the Emerald, another force struck the ground, this time with a large Robotic claw hitting the earth and causing the hedgehog to jump to begin running up the arm before leaping off to slow himself down so he could get a look at this new foe. But as he looked up to the titanic robot, he saw the things mouth open up with several layers of what he assumed to be teeth and was paralyzed instantly. He told his body to move, run, anything. But his limbs wouldn't respond to his commands. Thunder crashed again as the hedgehog thought he saw the outline of a small girl with a glowing red eye, staring right down at him.

And he blacked out...


"And when I woke up... I was in this prison. Unable to escape. Trapped. If anyone receives this message, I'm trapped in this mysterious cage on what I think are called the Starfall Islands. I was transported here through a glowing gateway in the Sky Sanctuary. But if anyone gets this, be careful... this land is mysterious and full of dangers." The screen repeated the distress call for the third time as a figure stood in front of the computer. The figure then turned off the computer and quickly flew out of the bay doors, for Sky Sanctuary.

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