-=- Chapter One ÷ Kronos -=-

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You bounced up and down in excitement as you'd finally gotten your copy of Sonic Frontiers, you'd heard all sorts of good things about it, and being a natural Sonic fan, you pre-ordered it and now it was in your hands. You quickly put the game into your (Gaming/Console) and immediately started it up, not wanting to wait any longer until you could begin playing the game.

As the title screen came up, you saw the screen lightly glitch but put that aside in assumption that it was going to be a normal occurrence with the game. Selecting the hard difficulty as you were pretty well versed in fighting games in general, and of course, not being your first time you played a Sonic game, you chose for High Speed Action. Then a message appeared on screen saying,

"Are you ready to begin?"

Yes          No

As you clicked the yes button you saw the screen begin to fade into white before the light became blinding and soon you had to cover your eyes from how it looked like the light was coming out of the TV itself, then you felt some sort of pulling sensation and just like that... you were gone.


You began to feel wet droplets of water calmly land on your body, acting as a sort of alarm clock to you. Had you passed out? What happened? You began to open your eyes to see green blades of grass as well as stone walls and carvings surrounding you. You quickly pushed yourself up onto your feet and soon spotted a device that looked strikingly similar to the portals to Cyberspace you'd seen in the trailers for Sonic Frontiers.

"Where am I?" You said, brushing all the wet blades of grass off of your arms. You'd noticed that you were still wearing the clothes you had before, but underneath them was some sort of padding with cybernetic designs on them. It didn't feel uncomfortable as you picked at an edge, finding the suit to feel and act like a sort of rubber. Suddenly, you heard a noise behind you as you spun around and saw the gateway begin to react as it soon opened, and a familiar Blue Hedgehog came flying out and landed in the grass right in front of you. "What the- Sonic!?" You said in utter shock as you quickly kneeled down to see if the hedgehog had any injuries when you noticed something odd.

Sonic was wearing a bracelet on his left wrist, but not just any bracelet, the exact same one he wore at the end of Sonic Unleashed, which you thought was cool of the game designers to do, but you also saw that he had dark sleeves going up his arms to just after his elbows, and two-toned gloves. Then it hit you. You were holding THE Sonic The Hedgehog. You wanted to squeel with joy since you'd been a fan of almost everything Sonic related since you were five. You internally awed when you saw Sonics chest lightly moving up and down before you gasped as he groaned and began to move.

"S-Sonic? Are you okay?" You stuttered at the blue hero who got on one knee and replied, "Ngh... What... happened? Tails? Amy?" He felt his chest as he quickly noticed you and continued, "Oh. Uh. Hi there. You wouldn't have happened to see my friends anywhere, would you?" You couldn't believe it, the blue blur just spoke to you! You briefly shook your head to clear your head and answered his question, "U-Uh... no. I haven't. Sorry, Sonic."

Sonic sighed as he looked down, "Looks like I'm the only one who made it out of... whatever that was." It was then you noticed another strange thing... Sonic had heterochromia, his left iris being his usual vibrant green, but the other a much more desaturated color. He then appeared to hear something as he quickly began to look around in confusion. "Yow! Hello?" He continued to look around as now you were confused.

""Key" huh? Sure beats being called a "rodent." Are you saying I can rescue my friends?" He said, once again, seemingly to no one, "Yeah--okay--sure... how about a little context? Hello?" You waved your hand in front of his face as you said, "Are you alright, Sonic? Who were you talking to just now?"

The hedgehog gave a look of pure confusion, "Wait... you mean you didn't hear that?" "I mean other than you talking to yourself, no." You said as you shrugged. "Oh well. Some direction is better than none. Hey buddy, why not join me?" He turned to you. You were ecstatic as you responded, quickly putting out your hand, "Definitely! I've always wanted to meet you Sonic! I'm (Your/name), by the way. He chortled at your giddiness before responding, "Nice to formally meet you (Y/n). Here we go!"

He quickly took off as you attempted to keep pace, and you were much faster than you expected, quickly tripping over your own feet and faceplanting onto the ground. "Woah! You okay there, buddy?" Sonic said as he ran back and offered his hand to you. You gave him a thumbs up and took his gloved hand, him easily pulling you up, despite his size. "Sorry. I'm just not used to running this fast. Must be this suit." You said as you wiped the dirt off of your shirt.

He walked forward at a much slower pace, more at a speed you were used to. As you two made it through the small canyon boxing you in, you came to a set of three switches in a triangle position. "Let's try pressing these buttons and see what happens." You suggested to Sonic, who nodded and quickly ran over all of the buttons, but nothing happened. You walked up to one and stepped onto it, with it soon jolting down and glowing. "Looks like we have to wait a second before these activate Sonic." You said as you turned to him. He nodded and got the second while you walked over and got the third.

After all three let out a vibrant Cyan glow, you felt your forearm vibrate as you saw that you now had a screen on your suit that lit up and showed a few sections of the nearby area. "Hey, Sonic! Come look at this!" You called him over as he quickly saw your screen and you continued, "Looks like the more of these sorts of challenges we complete, the more the map shows itself, and the easier we can navigate around the island."

"Alright. Let's have a look around and see if we can spot anything." Sonic said as he began to walk forward, before four prism like shapes changed before the two of you and shifted into robotic enemies that swiftly charged forward, with you and Sonic in their sights. "Hang on! I've got this!" Sonic said as he quickly used his Homing attack on all of the robots, completely shattering them to pieces.

The two of you continued, soon having to face another set of robots before entering this mysterious roofed structure and spotting another robot, but this one looked different from the others. It had two blade like arms that floated next to its body, and had a much more elegant shape than the others. Sonic charged forward and sent a barage of kicks the robots' way, which it seemed to take before blocking his strikes and swiftly striking him in the stomach with the blades, knocking him away and leaving an uncomfortably large gash in his torso, with blood and a few rings Sonic had collected falling out. "Sonic!" You shouted as you ran over to him.

He groaned as he grabbed a couple of the nearby rings, and his wound appeared to heal. "I'm okay. Watch out!" Sonic called out as you turned to see the assailant charging at you. With some sort of fight or flight instinct kicking in, your body dodged to the side, and gave the robot a strong roundhouse kick to the back. It swiftly got back up however and sent a similar kick into you, sending you into a nearby pillar. You groaned as you saw Sonic once again try to attack the machine as he was once again swatted away like a fly. The robot turned to you as you braced for a final impact. But a loud cry came out of nowhere, followed by the sound of metal striking metal, and parts klinking about the floor.

You opened your eyes as you saw the defeated Robot lying on the ground, and a bluish grayish hedgehog standing not far from you, dusting himself off. As he turned to you, you noticed his extremely dark pale skin, almost like it was grey, and his vibrant red eyes look to you as he spoke in a somewhat flat tone, "Are you okay?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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