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I stood with Jade and Becky whilst leaning on the fence, watching Becky situating her phone to start blogging about Zoe and Marcus. I'm back! I know you guys must have missed me. We're back at BrightFields as mom let us stay. Let's just say It didn't go down to well with Rosie. Me and Pin are better than ever. He really is like a ray of sunshine in my life. He definitely helps soothe my anger but I do have outbursts some of the time. I mean—

'There they are. The yard's hottest couple of course Pin and Aubrey are closely second. Happy, but for how long? Marcus is leaving in two days, three hours and 354, 353–.' Becky spoke.

'Can you stop filming them.' Jade interrupted.

'It's seriously creepy.' I added. 'And we're only second because you used to have a crush on Marcus, possibly still do.'

'Yeah, you're right.' Becky agreed but glared at me a little bit. 'I'll focus on Zoe. There she is. The yard's hottest rider.'

'Hey!' I yelled, annoyed.

'Confident, but for how long?' Becky continued. 'Junior Nationals are just in 58 days—.'

'Becky, Zoe's already under enough pressure. Aubrey too.' Jade said.

'Ugh. It's fine. We just haven't really—.' Zoe began.

'Thought about it? Bob's thought about it.' Becky cut her off.
'He told me he had a dream you two won. He spoke in the voice of Prince Charles.'

'Right...' I muttered.

'Thanks, but I don't know—.' Zoe stuttered.

'Have what It takes to stay calm in front of hundreds of people with your entire future at stack? Aubrey I think would do fine but you...' Becky said. I gasped trying not to turn it into a laugh.

'I was gonna say win—.' Zoe started.

'My advice for crushing anxiety is deep breaths.' Becky cut her off once again. 'But not too deep. You might pass out.'

'Becky!' Mia screamed across the yard. 'Get your horse out of Firefly's stable now.'

'Not again.' Jade groaned. Becky and Jade walked off to Firefly's stable to avoid Mia's wraith any longer. I turned to look at Zoe with widened eyes. She laughed and I walked over and gave her a big hug.

'You'll do great. Don't you worry.' I told her.

'Thanks.' She smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we walked Luna to her stable.


We rounded the corner and Mia's loud voice immediately hit my ears. 'Listen up people! It's time
for things to change around here. Our little stables rose from the ashes and beat Holloway at the County Cup. And now we've got our sights set on the Junior Nationals. Which is why I've set up an exclusive with the local paper. I want this hard spotless for the interview. It's a new dawn at Bright Fields. Get on it.'

'Aubrey can you help take Bob in his stable and groom him?' Becky asked.

'On my way. See ya, Zoe.' I smiled, walking into the troublemakers stable. I looked around noticing it was very messy.
'Becky. Bob's knocked water onto the floor.'

'I keep saying he can't be trusted with water in my head but it just leaves my head sometimes.' Becky rambled.

'Right.' I laughed, looking at Jade brushing Bob's tangled tail.

'Uh, rude much, Mia.' I heard Zoe say.

'It's okay, Zoe.' Pin replied.

'No, it isn't. If Mia wants you—.' Zoe began.

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