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Me and Zoe appeared at the stables later than usual which clearly got Jade and Becky slightly worried about us

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Me and Zoe appeared at the stables later than usual which clearly got Jade and Becky slightly worried about us. We turned the corner and saw the two friends sweeping the hay.

'Where have you two been? Mia's being more Mia than usual.' Jade asked.

'I had Aubrey consistently telling me the dozens of different dreams she had about Pin and asking me many questions leaving us to get up late.' Zoe explained, which is very true. I laid in her bed and worried, talking to try and calm my worries.

'Is he here?' I asked.

'Don't think so.' Jade answered.

'No one's seen him since yesterday, sorry A.' Becky added. I gave her a smile. 'The same day he took on those Holloway stormtroopers like a total boss.'

'I haven't heard since he texted last night.' I told them.

'So where do you think he could be?' Jade asked.

'The zoo. Or the windmill. Or a bat cave.' Becky creatively imagined.

'I don't know where he is but I'm gonna find out.' I said. Zoe turned to help me and we both watched Luna walk into the yard with a complete stranger on her back.

'Luna.' Zoe said suprised.

'Morning.' The guy smiled.

'I thought I told you Luna is my horse.' Zoe yelled. 'Get off before I call the police.'

'Of course. But first, tell me.' He pulled Luna back from Zoe's grip. 'Is this horse a thoroughbred or an American quarter horse, would you say?'

'Luna is Luna. I don't care about her breeding.' Zoe answered. My fists clenched tightly together as I watched this guy be a total ass. I could feel my anger risisng quickly.

'Evidently.' He replied. 'Trick question. She's neither. She's a Kiger Mustang. Wild. But very, very intelligent. Sixteen hands, almost mature. Glides like a storm rolling in.'

'Well, this was fun, but I have to go and so do you.' Zoe stepped forward again to take Luna.

'Ah-ah. Sorry. You're on my time now.' He said pulling back the reins.

'Well, you don't ride the horse do you? Zoe does so back up before your time in life ends very shortly.' I spat gritting my teeth. Jade held my arms so I couldn't go anywhere.

'Ah, I've seen you all met our new trainer, James Forsythe.' Mia appeared out of nowhere.

'Wait, our new trainer?' Zoe asked.

'The pleasure's mine and training starts.... 15 minutes ago.' James told us guidng Luna away.

'Well, I'm not trianing with Mr. Creepy.' Zoe said.

'Neither. He looks like a pedo.' I added, giving the back of his head a dirty look as he walked away.

'Are you two part of this team or not?' Mia asked.

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