Prologue of pain

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"Any progress, doctor?" asked Nurse Jenkins as she came in to clean up after his session with the young woman.

Blood had been spattered on the operating table, along with skin and hair in a pile near the surgical tools. The doctor nodded at the nurse, he had been writing in his notebook and had a nerves tick in his right eye.

"She's a tricky parasite, these test haven't been able to correct her delusion..." the doctor said more to himself then to the nurse.

"Which delusions?" The nurse asked as she had the room almost cleaned up.

The doctor closed his book and looked at the nurse with a stare of tiredness, "Miya suffers from fantasy delusions. About a world where she saved a kingdom from a war with her magic necklace. She's been here for... two years," he told her as he began to get ready for his next surgery.

"Ah, poor girl," said the nurse as she filled up the supplies and headed to get the patient.

The hallways at Pillars asylum for the mentally deranged, had been built during the 1800's, it was now one of the worst asylums in the world but great for placing people no one wants to be seen. This is what happen to Miya Garden, a once popular girl with imagination so powerful she become a best known Arthur.

She just didn't know that the asshole she married, 'Rick Boog,' was only after her money and not her heart. Once the papers were officially and he was her husband... he sent her for what he called, 'a treatment,' that was long overdue.

It was the middle of the night, when she was forced into a straight jacket, by two strong built guys wearing strong aftershave and bags of tiredness under their eyes. No emotions whatever shown on them as they threw her into the padded cell of the car waiting her.

She cried for help, from anyone, and as she looked at her husband, at the deadly smile on her face... she knew he had done this for her. Knew that she would never be seen again because of him. Right before they closed the door, she promised that she would get out.

"Sorry, my dear wife but your never coming back," he laughed as this attractive woman came to his side in a red dress.

That was five months ago, things have change, her mind was almost gone, she was barely hanging on and she had given up. Given up on her sights at freedom, at finding hope. When she woke up one night, this young male nurse name Henry was just coming in to check on her after surgery. It was his job to keep any infections away from the surgical sight and she found him to be kind.

Kind only when it came to infections and her health... anything after that, she wished that death itself would consume her. Each night, he would visit her room, and each night, she would end up broken and more hallow then the night before.

One night, while she waited for Henry to finish with her for the night, she would stare at the padded ceiling and imagine the night sky. Imagine the outside world and the possibilities of being free to dream once more. He left moments later, it was just like every time he came to her room... but tonight he left his pen. A tool she greatly loved.

Carefully, she picked it up, numbness all over her body was all she felt when she held the pen in her left hand that still function like it once did beyond the walls. Silence filled her mind and broken thoughts.

"Please..." she spoke with no emotion in her weak voice as she used the pen and slowly without fear began to draw the symbol she was told to never create.

With each push of the pen, she felt her heart began to slow, didn't tell Henry about the bleeding she had when he finished and didn't want to. As she finished the symbol... hands of shadows came forth and took her lifeless body away. Carrying her away into shadows from a cage filled with her ignored whispers of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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