Once Upon A Dream

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You cried, of course you cried. The woman who'd been there for you a long time had just died Infront of you after telling you she'd loved you and your girlfriend. You could've prevented her death if you had just said 'I love you' back. But you didn't.

You'd always felt a loving relationship between you and Clarissa, but of course. You were dumb enough to push it towards just being friends, because what fairytale has a three way relationship. No fairytale you have ever read. You held Clarissa's hand against your lips for a while before Leonora came in and gasped. "What happened.." Tears rolled down your cheeks and you looked over at her "She died....all because we never said anything.." Leonora walked over and knelt down next to you. "What are you talking about?" You cried more and Leonora held your other hand.

"She said, she loves us. And Because we didn't say anything, she got the Hanahaki disease and the flowers filled her lungs preventing her ability to breathe." Leonora had tears in her eyes as well, "We couldn't have known that she felt that way, it's not our fault Y/n." You cried harder and hugged Leonora "We should've seen the signs Lessy....We should've noticed that something was wrong." Leonora didn't say anything, she just hugged you and looked at Clarissa from over your shoulder.

"Did you love her, like you love me?" That question took Leonora back, she hadn't expected something like that "You can say yes." Leonora sighed and looked you in the eyes, holding your face in her hands "Yes. Before you had arrived, I'd always had feelings for Clarissa." You smiled slightly, "Do you still feel that way?" Leonora nodded slightly, she couldn't help but feel bad, as if she was turning her back on you for Clarissa.

"I did too." Leonora was now even more shocked "You did?" You nodded, "I thought it was a friendship kind of feeling, but I've now come to realize people don't usually want to kiss there friends." Leonora smiled slightly "Yeah that'd be a big sign." You rested your head against her shoulder "What are we going to do.." She sighed and thought for a minute.

"We could always try true loves kiss." You looked up at her "You think it'd work? Again?" Leonora shrugged and got up, she helped you up "I think you should do it Y/n, after all you're both good so it'd have a bigger chance of working." You saw that as a reasonable assumption. You walked over to Clarissa and leant down "Please let this work.." You then kissed her.

Leonora and you waited, those few seconds felt like forever, they felt endless and long, but finally, finally. She woke up.

Tears streamed down her face and she coughed a few times, after not breathing for a while. You hugged her tightly "Clarissa.." Leonora then came over and joined the hug, Clarissa began to cry uncontrollably. It was best that she let it all out, you remembered dying for the first time, it was scary so no wonder she woke up crying. Whilst Leonora was calming Clarissa down, you began to clean up her room putting all the petals and flowers in the bin and washing up any blood that was on the floor.

You then sat down on Clarissa's bed "So your telling me Y/n, gave me true loves kiss." Leonora nodded "How long have I been dead?" You thought for a minute "An hour. But hey, at least it wasn't weeks." Clarissa couldn't help but laugh, it was in her nature to laugh and the simple things. It was then you noticed how much you loved her laugh, and her smile.

"I'm so sorry for causing you both trouble, I should probably let you too go do the things you need to do." You gave Clarissa a shocked look and Leonora "Hang on a minute, you do not confess your love for us, die, come back and then tell us to go do more important things. This IS the important thing." You held Clarissa's hand. "So, our relationship. Would we all be comfortable with being, What do you call it?" Leonora looked over at you "Polyamory." She nodded her head.

"Yes, being in a polyamorous relationship would we all be comfortable with that?" You nodded, and Leonora was comfortable with it, then you both looked over at Clarissa "Im, comfortable with it." You smiled and she squeezed your hand "How would this work exactly Y/n. You seem to have all the information on it." You had all the information on it simply because your mother was a whore who slept with a bunch of people. And because you've red not so very child friendly books in your time.

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