°•Waking up•°

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Aster woke up his head feeling like it had echoes going

through it his legs  still a bit sore and he got up and then

he got up he went to wash his face he entered his 

bathroom and turned on the water onto cold it woke

him up completely as he was blocking his eyes he 

looked into the mirror and he saw his neck filled with

bite marks and hickeys around his neck and his chest

As well he was shocked and annoyed on what 

happened that night he didn't want to think about it so

he got his bath ready and as soon it was ready he got

unchanged and hopped into the bath letting himself

rest and calm his body his legs were no longer sore

he felt at peace forgetting what happened last night

he got out of the bath and dried himself off and went

to his closet and got changed \After changing image 

an outfit for him ;w;\  he came out of the closet after

changing he went back to the bathroom to style his

hair and putting on his star hair clips and was done but

what's about the stuff on his neck aster called out for

uki but uki didn't come and then remembered that uki

had to go back to his plant today at 6:00 pm the time

right now was 1:47 pm so uki was getting ready to

leave the room aster went walking to the door and as 

soon as he opened it uki was at the door ready to open

it as well aster was just standing there uki looked down

at aster's neck and saw it aster knew darn well uki 

noticed they bite marks and hickeys uki was just

looking at him "What the f*ck aster..." " hi uki... "

Aster didn't know what to do "What the f* ck is on your

neck aster?!" Uki yelled while staring at aster's neck  

aster was just standing there while uki was yelling and

rambling about aster's neck  and then aster snapped

back into reality after uki asked a question "Who the 

hell did this aster?! " he was just standing there while

uki kept asking who did this uki and then shook aster

he was just dealing with it and then you said "Is it that

ren zotto prince? " aster's eyes widen uki knew this 

answer "so it is?"  "Uh yes?"  " ah ha I knew it you love

him but won't admit it! " aster was confused but

flustered but remembered what will happen if he got

into a relationship again "No I am not uki." Uki looked

unsure about aster's response "mhm sure wait until

you realize it aster." Aster was unsure about if he wanted

to get into a relationship again "What is there to realize

uki?" Uki looked annoyed at aster and said " Really aster

I know what happened with you and your exes but it 

can't stop you from loving people. " aster knew what 

uki was trying say "Well we should cover that neck 

or the public will make rumours about it." 

 " yeah your right. " uki went to grab foundation aster

was just sitting there waiting for uki to come back there

was a knock on the door it was one of the maids he 

told them not to come in so they didn't come in 

uki opened the door and went to aster and told him 

 "Lift you chin." Aster did what he was told uki was

 putting the foundation on his hickeys and bite marks

 "Wow this bites are deep holy sh*t how hard did he 

bite?" Aster didn't answer that question after uki got

done putting on foundation on aster's neck uki checked 

the time it was 5:57 pm almost time for him to leave

and return to his home planet "we have to hurry it is

almost time for me to go aster!" They rushed to the

 front doors uki's stuff was already in the ship the public

was already there ready to say goodbye to uki and say

hello to aster pictures were already being taken uki

got into his ship and rushed off aster and his people 

were waving and saying goodbye to uki while he was 

leaving and people were taking pictures of aster while

he was returning back to his castle then someone asked

aster a question that made aster 's heart beat stop

 "Aster what is on your neck?" Aster kept walking faster

 after that question he ran to his castle and opened and

 closed the kingdom doors and making sure to lock it.

Hi .,. 

°•°•°Galaxy's Enemies °•°•° ~ Ren x Aster ~Where stories live. Discover now