#! spooky date!

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did anyone missed me!?!?
I got busy then I WAS SICK THIS MORNING☹️😕

sad news I might end the book in like 2 more chapters or 1😯 but atleast I have more time focus on the scaramouche book😊

does anyone know magi the labyrinth of magic bc it's currently my new obsession mainly hakuryuu and solomon BUT THE FANDOM IS DEAD☹️



Your eyes shifted towards your phone, it was a text from Nilou of course. It's of course halloween! and Nilou and you decided to have matching costumes to school because best friends do that right?(do ppl actually wear costumes to school my country is kinda.. backwards😊..)

You had already gotten ready and was on your way out your room. You opened up your phone and read the message.

"I'm outside you house waiting!"

You stared at the message a bit then blinked, rushing towards your window to see her indeed waiting there, and oddly is staring at your window.

She waved at you and you waved back, finally leaving the room to meet up with her.

"Ew who goes to school?" Kunikuzushi greeted you.

"Smart people who want a future." You replied back and left the house, saying goodbye to everyone in the house. minus your cousin.

He does do school, homeschooling. Who knows if he will actually go to public school, his mother and aunt travels a lot.

You gave your best friend a big hug and you both finally was on the way to school.


You knew that others will be dressed up and some surprised you in good ways and bad ways. You saw a titan and you don't know if that's even allowed to be in school. Oh well, both Nilou and you looked cute.

"Y/n I thought that there won't be alot dressed up today."

You nodded at her statement, you thought that if everyone was dressed up atleast Cyno will be in a costume also right?





"Cy-! oh."

"What?" Not surprising but he was in normal clothes.

"Nothing.." You told him. Of course remembering past events Nilou smiled at you then looked at Cyno and left you both.

"Your costume looks great."

"Thank you.. Where's yours?"

"I'm myself."

"Uh huh.."

You stared at the boy for a few minutes then went to class, with him following you behind.


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