I'll write smth when i wont be lazy
(Im sleepy, it's 1am, i was learning and u yk i have the biology exrta classes again tomorrow T^T)Okkk now im writing. It's 4 november 2022 and i hope my future 2025 self opens this at 2025 🎉at leat open it till i go to the university...
So here's a list of my life style
Wants to be: idk
So will be: DoctorCurrent friend group: Klea, Vanesa, Grejsi, Ledio, Didi
Other friends that i like: Klea at class D, Nesa, Rigesa, Steisi, Klaudia, Jorina,
All other friends i got at other classes: + the one's up, Grejsi at class C, Tea, Esmeralda, Darien, Arsi, Mateo, Emi at class D, Triesti, Sanja , Fabi
Listen to: Arctic Monkeys, Miyashita Yuu
Emotional state: idk wtf love is, but I'll find the meaning one day
I mean, vanes, look you are an adut, a disgusting adult. Lmao no offens but every adult is like that. I hope you will be an interesing one tho. But idk anything about emotions, I've put a mask for to long that i have forgot. That mask it has started wearing since clea started venting on me and since the earhquacke on 28 november that left us without home for 2 years. Since then i havent cried or showed my own emotions for once, except when uncle kasemi died. I want to know what love is. I dont know if i love anyone. I realized that when i stopped for a second and thought i have lost something. It were my emotions. I only act by the way i am supposed to act to fit on a situation or to not make others feel bad. But yesterday i realized that i dont know what love is, i thought even about violet evergarden ngl but still cant connect a bit. Im driving crazy somtimes because of clea but i dont say that to her cuz she will get upset, tell everyone, make drama, and i will end up like the one who hurt her even tho she is the one who is hurting me. Every single day. I am trying to find better friends in other classes btw, and i am sure that Klea, klaudia, nesa rigesa and steisi will make good friends, especially klea at class D.
Sports: i suck at volleyball ;) but im better at me te futme ne mes lol. The only thing i can do perfectly is swimming
Relationships (crush things): so before a year at 9th grade was eri then now at 10th was leo and currently im a man hater🏳🎉 (there is a albanian boy from italy who has been texing me through snap but he's dumb cuz he think only for things like sx :)