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(7:46 AM)

Tsukasa wakes up, feeling weak. He tries to open his eyes and he saw a frustrated Akito looking back at him. "Aki, what are you doi-" Akito closes his eyes and hugs him. "Akito?" He looks at the ginger, as he tries to speak up although he feels terrible. "Tsukasa, stay here. Lemme take care of you, you can't hide how sick you are from me." 

He felt guilty as he said that, he just didn't want him to worry. Akito also saw his sadness as he softened his gaze. "I am not mad. I'm sorry if I made you feel sad." He gave Tsukasa a small peck on his forehead and ran his finger through his soft hair. He looked very pale, his usual colorful hair was dark. 

"Stay right here, Tsukasa. I will get you some medicine." He smiled as he got out of bed, but he was shaken by a warm grip on his hand. "?" "Please don't leave me.." He looked sad again, and Akito just couldn't resist seeing the person he loves being left alone while he was in this condition. "...Okay" As Akito got back with him and Tsukasa wore a smile and hugged the other boy right beside him. 

Akito gave the star kisses on the cheeks and the forehead. Also giving him hugs so that Tsukasa would be happy, waiting for him to fall asleep to get medicine when he wakes up.  Tsukasa knew what he was trying to do, but he warmed up at the fact that Akito was trying hard to take care of his senior. 

(9:37 AM.)

*sigh* He finally fell asleep. Maybe I can ask his sister if they have medicine. How did he suddenly get sick after a sleepover? Maybe I'm overthinking it.. Wait what was her name again.. Saki? Whatever.

He got up gently, giving pats to his boyfriend, and left his room. He saw Saki once he got out, he asked "Hello, what is your name again?" "Oh! You must be Tsukasa's boyfriend. I am Saki, do you need anything?" Akito blushed a bit hearing that even his sister has heard about their relationship. "Ahem.. Do you have any medicine or vitamins for a fever? Tsukasa has a high temperature right now." Saki was as shocked as Akito when Tsukasa randomly got sick. "What?? He was just fine yesterday, wasn't he? Anyway, yes we do. Please follow me." As she went downstairs and gave him some medicine and a small bottle of water. "Thank you, I also have one more thing to ask for..." 

(10:12 AM)

Tsukasa woke up once again. He was shocked to still see Akito lying down beside him. Akito saw he was awake and his eyes lit up as he got down and gave him.. porridge!? Akito wasn't the type to cook, yet the food looked tasty. There was also a small table near the bed with a water bottle and medicine.  "Aki, how did you cook this?!" "I asked your little sister, Saki for some help." Tsukasa gave him a hug before eating the food. 

Before Akito got the water when he finished, Tsukasa blurted out a small "Thank you" and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. Akito was flustered at the sudden move and Tsukasa was just there giving a bright smile to Akito, looking less pale than he was a few hours ago. Akito was frozen for a while but shook his head and gave the water to Tsukasa. 

After he was done drinking, Akito got back on the bed, putting his hand under Tsukasa's chin. "Yes?" "Please get well soon" Akito gave a gentle kiss to Tsukasa. "Arent I sick? Why are you doing this? Hehe" "It's fine, I don't get sick very often like you, senpai." 

(7:30 PM)

Akito remained by Tsukasa's side, promising to take care of him. Although Tsukasa was sleeping, he was curious to look at the paper on his boyfriend's desk. Seeing it made him realize that he stayed up all night to work on a little show for his birthday, as it was coming up. He felt sad and happy at the same time, his lover making something for him but getting sick on the way because of it. Akito got back on the bed with Tsukasa giving him a hug, whispering "Please don't ever get sick again. I love you" and went to sleep.


(yay its almost my birthday in 3 days too)

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