"you're hired" (Noahs perspective)

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Walking home from school, chaos as usual, nothing really exciting besides Michael bullying some kids, as he does everyday- I looked both ways before crossing the busy road, and ran, one more street until I get home, walking by some buildings, there was an alleyway, it always scared me, it just gave off a dark vibe, walking past the alleyway, I sighed, and started running before a hand grabbed me, and dragged me into the alleyway.
"HEY, LET GO!" I screamed with my eyes closed, and I opened them, seeing Michael standing right above me, as J was lying on the ground.
"Stand up, Noah Carter" Michael pulled a gun from out of his pocket, sticking the gun up to my forehead, my eyes widened, as I sat up, the gun following my forehead, and I stood up, putting my hands up above my head, with the gun still pointed at me, Michael had long hair, to his shoulders, and messed up fluffy hair in front, he was wearing black pants, a tuxedo top looking vest, and a red tie, not what I would ever expect him to wear, he looked proper, he cocked the gun, turning the safety off, which woke me from being zoned out.
"Noah Carter, why the hell did you decide it was a good idea to be a fucking snitch on us?" He put the gun closer to my forehead.
"I-" I couldn't speak out of fear. "YOU-YOU SLA-SLAMMED THEIR-THEIR HEAD IN A LO-LOCKER! THEY-THEY COULD HAVE-HAVE GOTTEN A CON- CONCUSSION!" He cocked the gun turning the safety back on, and brought it down to his waist.
"That's the fun of it, you know?" Michael chuckled, and spun the gun putting it back into his pocket, as Mark, wearing the same outfit walked out of a corner, over next to Michael, handing him a cigarette and lit it. (I do not advise smoking, it is not cool, don't do it, they are 16, do not follow them, also keep in mind that during this time they didn't really care.)
"Who us this here? The one that got Simon kicked out of his home?"
"Damn, I thought he was the lucky one." Michael said staring at Mark who asked the first question, and then they both stared at me.
"I- I am Noah Carter-" I introduced myself, as Michael walked up to me, and patted my back hardly.
"A friend of mine!" Michael chuckled staring at me, as he whispered. "Play along." Michael hated me, what was he chasing for?-
"Yu-yup!" Everyone at school knew Michael for being gay, he was kicked out of his father's house for that fact.
"Alright, nice to meet you, Noah! Mark turned the corner, waking away, as Michael pulled me more into the alleyway.
"I just saved your ass, I may be the leader of this whole shindig, but he hates you."
"Wha-what?" Noah stared at Michael, as Michael sat down, scraping out the cigarette on the concrete.
"Yeah, they trust anyone that I trust, no one else,, they practically worship me to a point, on another hand- since you got Simon kicked out,I might have to kill ya-"
"WHA-WHAT-" Michael covered my mouth mid-sentence.
"Don't scream, you just made your punishment much worse, Carter."
"What- whats the punishment, if it's not-not killing me?-"
"Well, either a year of torture, or- you could join our gang to save your ass"
"Why-why would I do that?!"
"To live, of course" Michael paused for a second, standing up. "There aren't any telephone stations nearby, so there is no one to call, Noah."
"I don't want to do either, I just want to leave!" I screamed out, and started running to the exit of the alleyway, as Michael pulled my hair from behind, throwing me almost to he ground, but with his foot catching my neck, causing my head to not hit the floor. "What the hell, Michael?!"
"Make your choice, you have a day, or you are dead." Michael lifted me up, and he walked away. I quickly ran to my house that was about a block away, I ran as quick as possible, checking behind me, making sure that there was no one following me, I turned into our driveway at the very end of the road, the house had purple shutters and vines growing everywhere. I was out of breath, and I opened the door to hear my mother yelling at my younger sister angrily, as I crept upstairs breathing heavily. The only thought circling my mind was my decision, torture or joining a mafia.. both choices were horrible, either way, I would be harming others to join them, but if I was tortured my family would worry.. the thought would not leave my mind, trying to sleep was near impossible, when I finally did, it was peaceful, although- the worst thing was I dreamt about it. Waking up the next morning, I remembered the dream, the dream of being tortured by Michael, the thing is, Michael is hot, so I wouldn't mind it, he could do anything he wanted to me.. WAIT, WHAT, NO, NO, NO- ... but that thought is right.. I got changed, and left without saying anything to my family, I left walking to school, it was pitch black, seven in the morning, October twenty-fourth. The decisions still circling through my mind all day long through school, I couldn't pay attention. Join Michael, or b tortured by Michael? I wouldn't have an issue with him again if I joined him, this was the most grand decision, I have really had to make. Finally school was over, I saw Michael was stuck in the office due to the fact he got suspended, now I had to go back to the alleyway, to see Michael with another cigarette, wearing chains, and an actual tuxedo. GOD DAMN, HE IS SO HOT-
"Welcome, Carter, make your choice yet?" Michael wiped the bud on the ground, and walked towards me with a paper, and a gun on his hand, a pen, and knife in his pocket.
"Ye-yes, I decided to join you.."
"So you aren't a wimp! Well then, will you sign this, Carter?" It was a contract paper, I read through it, just basic stuff.
By signing this you agree that prison, jail, or jueve are all acceptable places for you, and this contract may never be broken, of so, it will result in death, you may lose multiple things join this such as: your home, family, virginity, innocence, or life. There will be no pay for murdering, and you will understand there is NO turning back. Underneath the text was a spot reading: name and another reading; address. Cautiously, I filled them both out, and handed it to Michael, as he was playing with a pocket knife.
"Where are the others?" I asked, looking g around the area.
"Mark is getting dinner with Simon, and Frederick is at his home." Michael put the knife away.
"Oh, what are you eating for dinner?" I asked while I handed Michael the paper.
"They should be back with some meat soon, so meat, I guess." Michael took the contract, and leaned back against the wall, my question is; where did he get the tuxedo in the first place?'
"What kind of meat?" I honestly didn't want to know where the tuxedo was from, he probably stole it-
"Human flesh, want to stay and try some?"
"N-NO, WHAT THE HELL, ARE YOU CA-" Michael covered my mouth with a piece of duct tape.
"What did I say about screaming?" I couldn't take him seriously, his leg was pinning me to the wall, my mouth covered as if-
"WHAT DID I SAY?" Michael said as he smacked my face, taking me back to reality. I took off the tape hesitantly.
"Are you canibal?" I asked scared.
"I guess we are, and we really have no shame, how else are we to eat?"
"At your homes? From the stores?"
"All of us but Frederick have been kicked out of our houses, and we are wanted criminals, entering a market would get us busted." Michael said, as he lit another cigarette
"Then where did you get the tuxedos from?-"
"Stole them before we were wanted."
"Should have known, haven't I?-"
"I-i should get going now."Michael grabbed my hand as I tried leaving.
"You will stay for dinner, Noah~" Michsel spoke In a seductive tone. Sending shivers down my spine.
It went silent, as I sat down, and he sat down, as we waited for the others.
"I hear footsteps-" I spoke uneasily.
"Aye, Michael!" It was Mark, with Simon following slowly behind him with a trash bag over his shoulder. "Let's get the fire started, shall we?" Mark said, and started grabbing twigs from the ground.
"Hey, Michael, who is this?" Simon stood over me, he was pointing at me, staring at Michael.
"What if I said, my boyfriend?~" Michael was teasing me, I looked down, and objected.
"NO, I AM NOT, MICHAEL!" I screamed at him, my face turning red from embarrassment. He laughed, and patted my back hard.
"I'm messing with you, but for real, this is the new member, he is staying for dinner."
"After dinner, we have a casino to go to, I already got us entry in." Mark came back with twigs setting them down, as Michael started taking the bloody body parts out 9f the large, black trash bag, I wanted to vomit, it was gross, Michael pulled out his pocket knife, he was starting to cut the meat off of the bones, I gagged, as the others talked and laughedwith one another. I gagged once more, as they held a pan above twigs, as Simon pulled out a lighter, lighting the fire underneath the pan that Mark was holding, and Michael set the meat in the pan.
"Yo, Noah, want to help?" Michael asked, as I shook my head no just trying not to vomit, blood had scared me, I laid down on the cold, dirty concrete. I closed my eyes, just trying to forget what they were doing. After a few minutes Michael was infront of me as I opened my eyes, he was on his knees, I sat up, as he took a bite of some flesh with a plastic fork.
"Aye, he's awake!" Michael called out to the others, there was a bloody plate right infront of me. "You going to eat, Noah?" Michael asked me with food I his mouth.
"N-no thanks-" I declined, and pushed the plate a bit away.
"Aight, more for us then" everyone continued eating, and talking, I laughed with them, and spoke with them, as they all finished eating the human flesh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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Not For The Fate Of Heart. [Mafia Michael  Afton AU] [Michael x Ennard]Where stories live. Discover now