Chapter One

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James and Elizabeth Potter ran down the flight of stairs. one eleven-year-old on his first day of Hogwarts, and a jealous ten-year-old, where bound to cause a ruckus. 1971, the year of greatness James would say. Elizabeth would always clap back saying that 1972 would be better, each of them stating the year that they would start at Hogwarts.

Fleamont tried to get them to settle down as he guided them to the car. Euphemia had made her son a packed lunch as well as given him a sack full of coins, enough for the entire year. He had no idea what he would spend it on, the only time he would have a chance to buy stuff is on the train. Elizabeth's mouth almost watered when she saw how much money her older brother was given.

Elizabeth looked on Longley as her father loaded her brothers trunk into the muggle car. Fleamont noticed this and placed a hand on her shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Don't worry love, it'll be your turn next year,"

Elizabeth cracked a smile at that thought. In truth they didn't even know if she had gotten in. But when they had gone to get all of James supplies, they had bought double of everything. Even got her a wand. One that chose her. Eleven inches, oakwood, dragon heart string.

That is how much confidence her parents had in her, so sure that she would get in. Elizabeth was glad they had the confidence in her because she didn't. She was worried that she would let her family down, not get in and become an outcast from the wizarding world. These where big, scary thoughts for a 10-year-old.

The stupidest part is that they had already confirmed she was magic. She was a born legilimen, meaning that she could read minds when ever she wanted to, But most of the time she chose not to. And even if she did, she was unpractised, years of learning how to not invade peoples mind left her weak. Her skills where strongest when she was touching someone's temples. It was the quickest way to the mind. not to mention she was also a metamorphmagus.

When they got to the station. Fleamont helped James push his trolly through the barrier. Euphemia grasped Elizabeth's hand, pulling her through the barrier with a smile. Elizabeth felt as if she was being squeezed from all sides for a few seconds, then as if she could finally breath again. What was only a second felt like it had dragged on forever.

Elizabeth saw James looking around mouth wide open. Steam flooded from the train, chatter spread amongst the crowd, mothers saying tearful goodbyes to their children, owls chirping and flying overhead.

James caught Elizabeth's eye broad smile on his face, Elizabeth smiled back.

"This so cool" James whispered in awe.

"I cant wait till next year" Elizabeth said. James chuckled elbowing Elizabeth jokingly.

"Cheer up Liz, wont to be too long."

The family of four walked towards the cart that looked the least busy. There was only one other family that looked as if they where trying to send their son onto the cart.

It was another family of four, a younger son who looked to be the same age as Elizabeth, as the Potters walked closer to the other family the younger boy noticed Elizabeth. She smiled and waved at him. He looked up at his parents, noticing they weren't paying attention to him. Instead berating their eldest son, who had long black hair, just a little above his shoulders.

The boy looked back at her and gave her a small wave, trying to keep it out of sight of his parents. It failed. The mother hit him over the head with a rolled up Daily Prophet. Elizabeth jumped at the sight watching the boy shy away from his mother. She took a step back into her father.

He put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Dad, we should help them. Look they are both scared of their parents."

"I'm sorry Liz, different families have different ways of living. There is nothing we can do. That is the Black's way."

"Who are they? The kids. What are their names?" Elizabeth asked, curios.

"The oldest is Sirius Black. Youngest Regulus. Sirius is the same age as James. And I'm pretty sure Regulus is your age. You guys should be in the same year"

"That's nice," Elizabeth said, leaving it at that.

They said their tearful goodbyes. Fleamont crying the most out of all of them, James Liz, and even Euphemia laughed at him. James and Liz hugged just before James got on the train, after Fleamont helped him get his trunk on the train.

James stuck his head out the window like all the other children waving at their parents as the train pulled away. Once the train was gone, she looked around. Elizabeth noticed the fact that the Black family was already half way to the barrier. They hadn't even waited till the train was fully gone for them to leave. She noticed that Regulas was still looking at the train though, unlike his parents.

During those months that James was gone, The siblings sent letters once a week to each other. He told her stories of the pranks him and his friends pulled. Turns out Sirius from the train station and James and become very good friends. Apparently, every Black who has attended Hogwarts for the last 500 years had been in Slytherin. When Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor, he was sent a howler by his mother, almost all support was cut off. But he was forced to go back to his house every holidays.

As she was told more and more stories. she started looking forward to being at Hogwarts. Here how it was made her feel as if she might fit in. 

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