Oh How The Blossoms Have Blossomed

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Four generations later eight sisters were being told the legend of their ancestors by their mother, Gaia.
Which obviously means that either that mischievous being had lied about Ventura, Ignis, Terra, and Aqua having passed on that very night or they did indeed keep their slimy promise of keeping Spiratus safe, for if there were no survivors from that witch hunt, the Blossom family name would have died with Dea and her five daughters.

The eight sisters loved hearing the story of their ancestors and made Gaia tell it to them every night, and Gaia would out of respect for their ancestors' memory but she also wanted to use it as a lesson to her own daughters, for like herself and every woman before her in their family tree, as far back as Dea, they were all blessed with gifts from the Horned God and the Triple Goddess. Gaia, like Dea, was also a herbalist, but it is much more accepted in the modern day.
Gaia understood what Dea had learned the hard way, mankind just wasn't ready to accept the gifted women of her family, and probably wouldn't ever be.
In the Blossom family, it wasn't just the blessing of the God and Goddess or the gifts they were honored with that got passed down with each generation, it was also the fear that Dea had embedded into her children that night, it made some of the women in the family, anxious and paranoid to the point where they wouldn't even use their gifts at all, not for good and certainly not ever for evil.

Gaia's Grandmother took her own life a day after Gaia's eighteenth birthday, but not before she had told her the story of Dea and warned that Gaia should never bare children, for if she did they would have the same fate as Dea and her children.

Gaia was nervous when she realized that she was pregnant with her first, but the Triple Goddess guided and supported her, giving her all the power and strength she needed. Gaia felt the Goddess's presence with her every time she gave birth.

Gaia named each of her children after each of the eight sabbats, sharing her children with the Earth and the Goddess who supported her through it all.
Her firstborn was Samhain, otherwise known as Sammy, followed by the second eldest, Mabon, otherwise known as Bon Bon, next born was Lammas, otherwise known as Laura. Next was Litha, otherwise known as Lilly. And of course, there is Beltane next, otherwise known as Belle, then Ostara, otherwise known as Tara. Her seventh child is Imbolc, otherwise known as Immy, and her youngest, of course, is Yule, otherwise known as Yulia.
Their official names are of course the names of the sabbats, however, to hide their Pagan links, Gaia came up with more modern and much more accepted names for them to use outside of their house.

Gaia and her husband Mortalis, adored their children, and helped them to bloom into the young ladies that they now are, each completely different, yet the same all at once. The older they got the less Gaia worried about her mother's final words.

But Gaia doesn't know whats coming...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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