chapter 1 - the beginning

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(5yrs old)

I wonder where he could be hiding.
"Denki-chan where are you"
"I can hear you laughing" I looked under the table and behind the couch but I still couldn't fine him.

"Hehehehe" he was still laughing so I followed the sound of his cute laughter. I looked inside the upstairs hallway closet and surely enough he was hiding and giggling.
"Found you"

Just then a loud crash came from down stairs, mum ran out of her room and hid us in the closet.
"Kids I need you to stay safely up here hidden don't come down stairs it could be dangerous ok"
"Ok mummy"
"Ok Mrs L/n"
"Good now what ever you hear don't come out"

I didn't know it then but that was the last time I was ever going to see my mum alive ever again. After a few seconds of quite I could hear the faint sounds of fighting and then the most terrifying sound of all it made my blood run cold, it was my mother's scream, I froze not knowing what to do than without thinking I went to try and save her.

"Denki-chan stay here I'm going to see what's happening"
"Y/n-chan no it's not safe"
"I have to just stay here I'll be back" and with that I slowly and quietly stepped out.

I turned to look down the stairs to see blood everywhere and a huge shadow on the wall. I tip toed down stairs to see my mom's body laying limply on the flood in a puddle of scarlet blood.

There was a man standing next to her body with blood on his hands.
"MUMMY!...mum please wake up" I cried falling by her side until the man turned around.

He looked like he had no face but I could still read the expression he had.
"Oh look what we have here" he said in a deep evil voice stepping forwards.

"Stop...don't come any closer" I said as I shot shards of ice at him but it wasn't all that strong.
"Now little girl we don't want to do anything drastic now do we" he said stepping forward again but this time grabbing me and beginning to walk with me.

"You'll get along just fine with shigaraki and you'll be a great asset to my cause"

"Let me go" I screamed than I saw his face Denki, he looked as scared as I was.

That was the last time before I saw the outside world again for a while.

Thanks for reading my lovelies and comment any story ideas and I'll do my best💕

-450 words-

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