Episode 1: Furst Day on the Force

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A Blue Heeler was asleep in bed when an alarm went off, causing the poor canine to jump straight and grab his phone. "Welcome Rylee Collins" was displayed on the screen as he swiped up to check his calendar. Sweat flowed cold down his back. Jumping out of bed, he dashed across his little apartment and into the kitchen, throwing bread into the toaster and dashing to the bathroom. Collins brushed his teeth carelessly, causing his gums to bleed. Panicking, he immediately undressed and jumped into the shower. Running out of his door with a towel, the Blue Heeler grabbed his casual clothes and caught the toast falling out of the toaster with his paws, fastening his pack. Collins felt the streets of Ashi No Ki strike him in the nose, along with the palm trees and sandy seaside. The Blue Heelers' eyes lit up as his tram left the tiny station. Collins ran across the street, almost getting hit by a car, apologised, and continued to rush towards the tram. He jumped on, grabbed the metal railing, and silently sat down when he noticed the other dogs and cats staring at him. He chuckles apprehensively and says, "Furst day." The other passengers shrugged and grinned at his embarrassing arrival before returning to sitting down smoking, or napping. Relief came over Rylee as he exhaled.

When Rylee looked in his bag and saw that he had only brought the necessities, he smiled. He knew he was doing more than simply watching the early-morning joggers and beach walkers.

He took the time to cross the street and enter the building in front of him after arriving at his destination. While standing in the foyer, a Golden Retriever observed Rylee behind a desk as her eyes lit up. "Oh! Hello, I presume you are the newest officer." Rylee answered as he walked up to the desk, letting his arms rest on it. "Yes! So sorry for being late. I have difficulty sleeping." "Oh, don't worry, darling, I'm Nana Aiko, and the changing room is only down the hall. " Aiko then turned back to her computer."If you need me, I'll be happy to assist!" "Thanks, Aiko." Rylee quickly left the foyer and went to the changing room.

Pushing the door open, he searches the lockers for his name, locating it, he reaches for the latch, twisting the knob, and the small door opens, presented with his uniform, belt, and holster, Rylee grabs the coat hanger, putting on the uniform inside a small cubical. Rylee exits, inspecting his belt and tail, patting down his uniform and fixing small discrepancies. The Blue Heeler discovers the quartermaster reading from her clipboard. "Excuse me." Rylee caught the Sheltie's gaze and looked up. "What do you need? Right, you'll need a radio, a sidearm, three magazines, and an extendable baton." While she was listing items, she reached under her table and grabbed them. "And, most importantly, a small first aid kit." Rylee looked up from strapping his supplies onto his belt and nodded. "Now remember to come back, only with the magazines and firearm, leave everything else alone, and maybe customize it if you have the time." "Many thanks, Sergeant." Rylee moved his attention to the dog's name tag, "Ruby." "Don't worry, come back if the gun jams, and remember, if you lose it, that's your paycheck." She winked and diverted her focus to her clipboard.

Rylee returned to the hallway and searched for the stairs, passing the front desk "Hey Rylee! Your shift is about to begin, head towards Meeting Room 2 upstairs." "Thank you, Aiko." Rylee smiled and rushed towards the stairs. "My pleasure!" The Blue Heeler came across his door and opened it, he noticed the row of similarly dressed officers and quietly sat down while the others talked and relaxed. "Alright, you mutts." A spotted dog with fur covering his eyes entered the room, his uniform unique to Rylee's and everyone else's. "I've been informed that a new dog has joined our ranks, Welcome to Ashi No Ki Police Department, I'm Lieutenant Capper Springs, mind standing up or rising your paw to introduce yourself?" Rylee stood up as the other officers greeted him. "Alright sit down you had your fame, Officer Collins you'll be assigned a mentor, Officer Duke. show yourself." A Rottweiler in the back of the room stood up and sat back down. "Now to business, grabbed your notepads." Shuffling of cloth and chairs filled the room. "Today I'll be introducing a quota, I've noticed a significant drop in productivity." the room filled with moans and grumbles of frustration. "Don't blame me, blame yourself, now shut up and listen."

"6 Traffic Stops, 11-95s and 4 Parking Violations, 11-85s are on standby if the car isn't where is it supposed to be, get it done, dismissed." Capper signalled for everyone to get up. he shortly left the room afterwards. As chairs slid out of desks and were pushed back in, Rylee continued his writing as his partner rested his paw on his shoulder. "Are you ready?" Rylee asked, looking up. "Yes, Sir," Rylee said as his watch showed 10:16. Inside the police car, Dukes reached for his keys, inserting them, the vehicle roared to life, and the Crown Vic jolted forward as it exit the station's parking lot, Rylee spoke. "So, Officer Duke—" the Blue Heeler was interrupted. "Please Collins, don't use the phrase Officer, we can chat casually, no need for such professionalism." "Sorry, the police academy was quite strict-" Rylee was interrupted once more. "OK, I understand it, you're a by-the-book cop, but as long as you're not abusing power, endangering others, blah blah blah, I won't write you up." Duke, took a turn making the Blue Heeler slam the side of his head into the window, Rylee made an audible sound whilst Duke chuckled.

Rylee gazed out the car window and saw small businesses, as well as dogs and cats doing whatever they liked. "When can we expect to see any real action?" Rylee said sluggishly to Duke. "Any day right now." "Are we supposed to pull over and perform our quota?" Duke observed his surroundings, noticing how many cars were parked on the street. "I suppose you're right, Rookie; good eye." Duke pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the engine. "We'll spit up; if you need me, I'll be on 287 MHz." Rylee got out of the car. "All right, I'll meet you here when I'm finished." Duke began to stroll up the street, while Rylee began to walk down, putting his paws behind him and scanning the metres and condition of the parked car. whistling to himself civilians left and right walked passed him. Catching the eye of a rusty vehicle, the blue heeler reached for his notepad, getting ready to write down a citation he began to inspect the metre. "Overdue." he scribbled into his notepad, checking the mirrors he notices that it was smashed, crouching down he is met with worn tires. "Jeez, this guy gonna get someone killed." Getting up he reaches for his shoulder radio. 

"Central this is K9-56" "Go ahead K9-56" Rylee looked down at his notes. "I got a defective vehicle at." Rylee paused and glanced at a nearby sign. "Marqit Street, gonna need a tow truck, Van is a." Rylee searched for the make and model. "D-Seris, Caddy, colour: grey, plates are Tango Foxtrot 2 3 8 1." Rylee let go of the radio and waited for a response. "Roger that K9-56, the vehicle will be picked up, it is also registered into the database and not considered stolen." Rylee twisted his radio. "Duke, I bagged a rusty vehicle down the street, I'll continue my foot patrol once the tow truck gets here." "Well done, Officer Rylee." The Blue Heeler smiled to himself until a dog ran up to him demanding him to wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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