Can't find home

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Michaelangelo Hamato was an optimist. He was born one, and nothing had changed yet. He loved everything and anything, well, maybe not those neutrino things, or cleaning, unless it's with music. Michaelangelo Hamato was also an extraordinary fighter. But he didn't know that. He was a legendary cook. He didn't know that either. All he knew was he loved his brothers, Ice Cream Kitty, his friends, and his drawings.

Oh he loved his drawings.

His drawings were his everything, they were his feelings, HIM, all made into one lovely creation on paper. Maybe he'd draw now? He was getting dreadfully bored. And Ice Cream Kitty always loved them. What to draw, what to draw? Maybe Leo might have an idea! But Leo's training. Then how-


A wide grin broke wild across the orange adorned turtle. He also loved patrol. Did he mention patrol?

"Hurry up you scamp. I've a good feeling about tonight," his hot-tempered brother announced, barging into his room whilst cracking his knuckles. Raph gave one glance at Mikey and left, his feet thundering away.

Mikey jumped up in excitement.

"All right dudes! Wait! RAPHIE WAIT FOR ME!"


The wind was pleasant tonight, it caressed Mikey's skin almost in comfort and his short mask tails fluttered slightly. He paid no attention to his other brothers, who struggled to catch up to him as he travelled rooftop after rooftop in a frenzy.

"Mikey!" He heard Donnie call after him. Or was it Leo? It was getting hard to tell. The stars were so pretty. Like little eyes watching you. Friendly beady eyes. They looked a bit like Ice Cream Kitty's eyes when he thought about it. He would have to tell her later. Maybe it would be cool if he drew it? That would be an idea.


The youngest turtle flinched and almost slipped on a loose tile, arms flailing as he yelped in shock. He felt two strong arms under his armpits before he fell against a muscular plastron. He looked up and smiled brilliantly, when his blue eyes met vibrant green ones.

Leo was frowning at him, Leo was always frowning. Why wouldn't he ever smile? Mikey simply didn't understand.

"Thanks Raphie," he said, smiling upside down at his big brother, who grumbled and let go, which resulted in Mikey falling down with a grunt.

"Ow.." he whined.

"Okay team, it seems there's nothing happening tonight. But we'll stay a while longer. We never know what we might find," Mikey heard his oldest brother say and he looked up. Then Leo turned towards him, and it seemed like he was frowning all over again. He thrusted a pointer finger underneath Mikey's chin and he blinked.

"Alright Mikey. No funny business tonight, okay?"

The youngest turtle grinned, a blinding flash in the plain darkness.

"You've gotta tell Raph that, Leo! Funny business is his middle name!"


"Uh guys?"

They turned to look at Donnie, who was staring suspiciously at something going on in the street.

"Purple Dragons."

They all looked then. And there they were, Mikey almost had to bite back another smile. When would they learn?

"Alright!" Raph said, a mischievous glint in his eyes that was only saved for patrols. "Finally some action!"


The fight went horribly.

They almost had them, the purple dragons that is, when Mikey had seen one of them throw something at his Leo. In panic, Mikey had shoved Leo out of the way and the bomb, yes it was a bomb, hit the dumpster behind them instead. Leo had fallen badly on his leg, twisting it excruciatingly, and when he yelled in pain, the dumpster burst into flames.

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