Chapter 2

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Ten years had passed since Izuku made his new friends. Despite his Quirklessness, Izuku continued to strive to be a Hero and trained with the others every day. As they grew older, the friend circle slowly began growing.

Izuku was jogging through the woods, this was part of his daily training regimen. Usually, he would be training with his friends but they were doing other things today. He was so lost in his thoughts that he wound up running into someone else.


After quickly recovering, Izuku moved to help the person he knocked over. It was a hazelnut brown-haired and blue-eyed girl. From the looks of things, she had been doing some farming.

"Sorry about that!" Izuku nervously said as he extended his hand toward the girl.

"No worries!" The girl replied while smiling as she took Izuku's hand. "My name is Katarina Claes."

"Nice to meet you, Katarina-Chan! I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku replied.

The two struck up a conversation and found that they have many things in common such as being All-Might fans as well as wanting to help people who needed it.

Eventually, they parted ways but exchanged phone numbers and from that day on Izuku and Katarina became friends. Katarina would also befriend Izuku's friend group and was quickly accepted as one of the "boys."

Izuku frowned as he sat in the cafeteria with an annoyed look on his face. Katsuki and his cronies were on kitchen duty again and they had served him a rather shoddy lunch just to spite him consisting of a plate of rice with all the burnt parts of it, which was to say it was still edible but rather disgusting to eat hardened rice compared to everything else, the most pathetic-looking fish, and a miso soup with barely any tofu or nori.

"This is immature even for him."

However, today he was joined at his table by three girls.

"What trash did they give you to eat?" The first of the trio of girls asked. She was a tomboyish girl with brown-blonde hair in a boyish cut and milk chocolate-colored eyes.

"It's okay, I'm used to it..." Izuku sighed.

"Looks like those boys at lunch duty are being mean." The second girl said. She had fair skin, black hair, and dark gray eyes.

"Don't worry I'll share some of my food with you!" The third girl said. She was quite plump and had pink hair and beautiful dark blue eyes that looked like galaxies with stars in them.

"Thanks," Izuku replied with a small blush on his cheeks.

The other two girls looked at each other and followed the third girl's example. Soon they were all eating together and chatting.

"So what are your names?" Izuku asked.

"I am Bella D. Hyna." The first girl said.

"My name is Kade Honjou, nice to meet you Izuku!" The second girl said with an absolutely adorable smile. "Just call me Maple if you want."

"And I'm Kirby Sakurai!" The third girl said cheerfully.

"What's your name Greenie?" Bella asked

"I-Izuku Midoriya..."

Later that day Izuku introduced the girls to his group and they all got along well. The trio of girls soon joined the crew and Katarina was quite glad to have more girls in the group.

One day during the weekend Izuku was alone as he was taking a stroll through a park. He was sightseeing when he spotted a black-haired and brown-eyed boy his age. The boy's right arm was in the form of a blue cannon as he fired shots into the trees. Curious, Izuku walked up to the boy, almost scaring him.

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