...Comeing home...

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Kento: I'm boarding in 5.
You: okay. When are you going to be home?
Kento: around 3AM.
You: UGH, thats going to take so long.
Kento: you'll see me in the morning, it's better then when I was in Korea.
You: I know, that was the longest 6 months of my life.
Kento: I have to go, I love you.
You: I love you too, see you when you get home.
Kento: Bebe go to bed.
You: 😘
Texting ends

(Y/N) sets her phone down on her night stand.
Lifting her self out of bed to use the bathroom one last time for the night.

(Y/N) POV.
"Ugh Thais is what I get for marring a working man, I new it was going to be hard yet I still allowed myself to fall so fast in love with him. I just hope he  takes  time off to stay with me.

You climb back in to the gray covers, settling into the mattress closing your eyes. "when I wake you will be right here next to me"

The sound of the shower disrupted the silent dark room, (y/n) jolted awake, it took her a second to register that her husband was home. She glanced at her alarm clock 3:45 She staggered to the bathroom, and opens the door letting the steamy air spill out into the chilled bedroom. She hoisted herself on the bathroom counter and waited for Nanami to finish his shower.
(Y/n) heart thumped out of control she became extremely anxious, it reminded her of when she had just started going out with kento.

The shower door opened a tall muscular blond man emerged from the steam reaching for a towel and wrapping it around his waist.
(Y/N) became uncontrollable happy she jumped off the counter leaping over to her husband, she could see the tired in his eyes along with relief.

She stopped right in front of him, his gentle eyes looking down at her they stood still for a minute looking into each other's eyes (Y/N) wrapping her arms around his Brod neck pulling there lips together.
There kiss full of passion and longing, the kiss they had both wanted to share.
They disconnected from each other's lips (y/n) resting her head on his chest her arms still around him, his hands still on her hips, she looked up at him watery eyed and smiling bright " God I missed you" she said laying kisses on his chest " I know " he said brushing his fingers thru  her long (h/c) hair and kissing the top of her head. 

"Let's go to bed I'm exhausted" Nanami said Rubbing your back.  "Mmmmm fine" you said not wanting to let go of him.

You got in bed waiting for your lover to join you, Nanami walked over to your shared dresser grabbing boxers from the top drawer , he pulled the towel off and set it on the bed pulling his boxers up, then he hung his towel over the shower door.
"Omg it's so hot when you  clean up after yourself. He chuckled  and shook his head as he got into bed " what it's true" you said. His response was pulling you into him resting  his chin on your head "omg it's also really hot when" he cut you off "baby go to bed"  " ugh fine".

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