Glaze-psycho and hero inside

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It's morning. I wake up, but Dashie is nowhere to be found. I thought she went out somewhere. So I tried calling her. He doesn't take it. Odd. I'm going to look for her. This is really weird. I ask Brony if he saw her. She and Crystall. I can't call you either. When I arrived at Brony, it was quiet. But there is always noise with him. "Brony? Brony?! Brooony!!!!! is anyone here?!" I tried to shout but no one answered. So I'll try Tombstone, Mick and Vinyl. They should be in the studio. No one again!! Where is everyone?! I'll try Twilight et al. but I strongly doubt it.-.- AGAIN NOBODY!!! "Hey Glaz, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Rose greeted me. "What? No. Don't you know where everyone is?" I asked her. "Well, I don't know. But it's weird," she said. "And don't you still have Cold Oven and Bitter Tea somewhere?" I asked her. "Yeah, follow me, I'll take you to them," she said, and I followed her. "Luna and Celestia...disappeared too" she interrupted me. She led me to them. They looked at me like I was crazy. They looked at me like that for about five minutes. Until I asked them if they were okay. they threw themselves at me and hugged me again. I hate it when someone hugs me. So I tore them away and asked if there was anyone else here. BT: hey there's really no one there anymore...everyone disappeared, we're here just the three of us...actually four. CO: What if the monster ate everyone and wants to eat us too??!!(and he started acting like a little kid and BT joined him)Me and RR just gave them a "really?" look and they stopped. RR: I'm sure there will be an explanation why and where they disappeared to....WT: Yeah sure, but Equestria is can I find them?CO:Bitter're a unicorn...there isn't one a spell that shows you traces that you can't see? We looked at it. BT: Yes, it exists and I can do that spell.....but we haven't used it in a long time, I don't know if I remember...RR: At least try it . BT: But what if I create a dangerous spell and do something to you? WT: I'll give it my all..:P nothing more XD (and we looked at them with that psycho look) RR: don't want us sing? and she smiled WT: no, there's still plenty of time, we'll wait until my eyes start to change :P RR: Well, that's what we're afraid of. WT: all the better XD:P CO:Leave it doves...I'd better go to the magic...WT and RR: WHAT DAVES???!!!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING YOURSELF??!!!!!!! !!I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN (I spoke up and RR pierced me with a look) CO: I'm shutting up boss. BT: so I'll calm down....WT: I'll give you that we'll calm down!!! You'd better start doing magic, I'll be calm when everything is back to normal!!! BT: So come on out, I'll try to create the spell...I'll try to find Glaze's tracks. WT: know that we are pegasus...right? BT: yes, but you also walk on the ground, don't you? WT: yes, only sometimes...not right now.....that is, until SOMEONE PULLS ME TO THE GROUND!!!!!!!(and we looked at CO)CO:sorry Glazi(and smiled)RR:a does it matter whose tracks they are? BT: yeah, I guess so... CO: so try it, Glaze is starting to appreciate his teeth and I'm afraid he wants to kill us WT: Now do it!! BT: I'm going to do it. The BT finally started working its magic, a few sparks flew out and then nothing until we stabbed him with a look, he tried again...again nothing...I frowned even more and started gritting my teeth and growling...he said he was going to try again but then he wanted to say something, I already yelled at him WT: DO IT I'M RUNNING OUT OF PATIENCE!!!!!!!WHAT was so scary when it finally worked, and even in the right place...there were traces of almost all the ponies. So we followed them, RR went next to me (unlike the other two, she seemed quite normal to me) and the two followed us. RR: hey aren't you one of those robots who learn to live and fight normally?WT: I was a robot, I'm not anymore. CO: And can you do any tricks? and can you shoot lasers from your eyes? and and you can.. WT: no!!(I interrupted him and pierced him with a look) we were a robot now I'm not anymore! the only thing i remember is the fight! That's when RR spoke up.....RR: and would you wash me? (and she looked at me strangely...I gave her the expression "how do you do your ass?" and I started laughing)WT: So it's clear isn't it?XD RR: come on..WT: are you serious?XD I don't fight with girls.......I would still hurt you:D And so I went again. In that she grabbed me and slammed me to the ground. I smiled and so did she ... CO and BT got such a surprised expression and they started arguing about who would win. When I stood up, she started to run, and I flew after her and quickly stepped in front of her, grabbed her by the neck and smiled: Do you really want to fight with me? (I frowned at her with a smile) I don't want to hurt you....think about it. RR: I want to fight you, and besides, you can't hurt me...I'll hurt you before you hurt me. She patted me on the head with the wasp and pulled away again. For a moment I thought he was after me, so we frowned and the thought sent chills down my spine...ugh. Then it occurred to me to grab her, hold her tightly, look at her for a while and try to read her thoughts, what she was thinking, that is, if she was thinking at all. She stopped and looked for me, I threw myself from the sky and pressed her firmly to the ground. RR tried to move but she couldn't.....which is good.(I smiled and bared my teeth and frowned....such a psycho happy murderous look) She was looking into my eyes and so was I, she was barely breathing, but we still held her firmly to the ground. Then the two retards overtook us and thought I wanted to kill her, so they yelled again. I couldn't stand it, we let her go and he rushed after them.....really screw me with their scaremongering. When they were already a bit overpowered, we left them and when we turned around, RR was standing in front of me and she was looking at me strangely and laughing strangely, I just rolled my eyes and went on. She followed me. RR: Did something happen? Wt: what? no, I just think that instead of bullshit we should go (we were looking ahead with such a serious look) RR: I guess so...hey you two come on! And they both ran quickly. We walked through the forest for about an hour and then we arrived at a meadow and the tracks ended in the middle of the meadow. So we looked at it strangely and wanted to give up. Until BT called: wait! (he looked closer to the tracks and smiled) here is the portal to the underground, this is where they had to disappear. CO: and how do you know? BT: Magic... :D RR: and how can the portal be opened? BT: this one probably with some strong speed...CO: and how do you want to do that?-.-BT: nwm. WT: How about flying as high as you can and then just dive down? BT: that could work....but whoever wants to try this would have to be a suicide.....we'll try to come up with something safer. WT: suicidal feels the same to me :P :D .....I'm going to try it. WHAT: what if you don't hit the right place? WT: Then I'll be a greasy stain:P:D RR: you're really psycho......WT: I know XD :P BT: it's probably not worth persuading you, is it? WT: he doesn't have... RR: at least we'll make a cross for the place you're supposed to fly to. (and they drew a big cross with a stick) Before they could tell me to be careful, we were already at the top. We flew down as fast as we could, trying to hit that cross. RR, Bt and CO just looked scared, I laughed psychopathically and we sped up even more, RR covered her eyes with her wings, CO just turned and BT looked at me with a scared expression.....he probably wanted to see me blur.... also quite my opinion. When we were about ten meters above the ground, I opened my eyes and saw a vortex appear and the closer we got, the bigger it got, so we accelerated as much as possible and I flew into it. It completely dampened the speed... if I didn't hit the ground like that, it probably wouldn't have been good. When we looked around, I found out that it was some kind of underground tunnel... even more enlightened. Then I looked above me and there was only dirt, so I thought I'd try to poke my head through it to see if the portal works from here too. It worked great! But the three were scared of me, I just stared at them and smiled. And since our head was above the ground and I was like half of my body out and half in, the portal worked, so they jumped down behind me and started looking around. RR: Does it have to be so dark in here? and suddenly the lights came on WT: hm... I prefer the dark-.- we walked along a long corridor for about ten minutes, then we came across a crossroads, there were two paths....and now where to go?! BT: I'll try the magic again. And it even succeeded on the first try. WT: Well, you see, I don't even have to yell at you.:P Tracks appeared and led to the left part of the tunnel. So we went this way and that until it started closing in behind us and there was a weird surface coming out of the ground that was totally slippery, so we drove all the way down. At the end, however, there was a jumper and hard ground below it, so RR and I flew out and grabbed the two and brought them to the ground. There was a concrete floor and a metal door, nothing more. So we decided to go through that door, that door had a password that we don't know... logically. So I kicked the door open:P There was a giant cage and probably all the ponies in it. RR, BT and CO wanted to run to the cage, but then we noticed that there were some strange ponies, some guards, so I stopped them and they almost noticed us.Then a voice was heard and everyone left. We ran to the cage, but then the two ponies got up in front of us and rushed at us, and since I didn't want to fight now, I hypnotized them with a look (I don't know if you know that I can hypnotize with a look...if not so now you know...). They stopped and sat on command like dogs. BT magically opened the cage door and we started leading the ponies out...we even figured out where the right path led, it was the exit. We got everyone out, but then we noticed that Princess Luna, Celestia, Twilight Cadence and Rainbow Dash were nowhere to be found. WT: Look, not one of the princesses is here... I'm going to find them. CO: You're crazy, it could be dangerous! WT: Not for me :P I flew through the portal inside before he could stop me. We went the same way and this time I suspected that the slippery ground would appear there again, we stepped on it and tried to go down as fast as possible. At the end we jumped and flew through the kicked out door, I stepped on the ground and ran down a long corridor I had to fight my way through. Then I stepped into a huge room and saw all the princesses tied there above the boiling lava, they could sense everyone except Rainbow dash....she was unconscious. I wanted to fly up and untie them, but then something threw me away....a strange dachshund emerged from the darkness pony, all black, alicorn, in armor and with a crazy attitude in his head.....he's probably the boss of all the ponies down here (I'll call him dark psycho DP....maybe XD). He started laughing uncontrollably and then started talking to me again. DP: Hi Glaz, I finally get to meet you in person... WT: Do you know me? DP: Of course yes....who doesn't know you..(and grinned at me) I just frowned and immediately knew that something was wrong (which actually was from the beginning), I tried to read his thoughts, but somehow I could not connect with his thoughts. DP: You let my ponies that I honestly stole....and you still want to steal my princesses.......for that you will bear the consequences. As soon as he said that, he rushed after me. I managed to jump in and tried to quickly untie the ropes (they were tied individually). I managed to untie Cadence, but when she tried to attack with a spell it didn't work...their spells didn't work. He lunged at me again and knocked me to the ground, I kicked him off me and I kicked him hard in the face. This gave me some time to untie the other one, so I untied Luna and Celestia. WT: Get out, I can handle it here. Cel: Our spells don't work anyway, so we'd probably be useless here, most of all, take care of yourself and get out safely. And they left, I untied Twilight, she was already running after the princesses. All that's left is dash (I said to myself and looked at her) We looked at the psychopath and saw how he was getting up and he had anger in his eyes. So I managed to kick him to the ground and I untied dash, who still didn't notice.

meanwhile up there

RR: Where have they been for so long? CO: When did they catch him? Cel: They didn't! (everyone immediately started bowing) Glaze will definitely get out of there with Rainbow dash, I believe this pegasus won't just let it go. CG: It's getting dark... I'm afraid he'll change and kill dash, I hope dad can control it by now. Luna: Us too.

back underground

While the psychopath was still lying on the ground, I tried to wake Dash up. WT:Rainbow....wake up.. .But she still didn't notice. In that he attacked me again and this time he had a bite (he wanted to bite me, maybe eat me :P) I tried to get him away from me, but it was in vain, he started using charms. He held me with his hooves and hit me in the head, I tried to kick him away, but he held me very tightly, then he took his sword and wanted to stab me (he probably doesn't know that this won't kill me), I held the sword for a while ourselves and we looked into his eyes...we saw anger and fear in them at the same time...he wanted I was about to give up, I looked at the dash and then I realized that I can't give up, that I have to keep fighting. So I gave in and let him stab me with that sword..he smiled but then laughed when he saw that I was still alive. I pulled out the sword that was covered in blood, and my eyes started to change. As soon as my eyes changed, we looked at each other for a while, he looked at me with an uncomprehending look... I just laughed and slowly lifted the sword and threw it at him. But he managed to avoid it. We remembered that I can change (I don't understand why I didn't think of it earlier) we changed into a wolf and rushed after him, I bit into his wing and grabbed him....he just screamed in pain, grabbed a sword with magic and cut me with him in the leg, I just groaned and lunged for him again...I managed to grab his horn, once we had a bloody mouth in the horn I saw the alicorn...the now mutilated alicorn rising up and out of the head and out of a waterfall of blood flows down his side. He failed to get up, so I limped over to dash and transformed back into a pegasus. I wanted to take her on my back and carry her upstairs to safety, but as soon as I turned around, the sword stabbed me in the back, I screamed in pain and kicked him...then he didn't wake up. Then some other psychopath came, giggling and holding a bomb that he was about to set off. I just looked at him, grabbed the dash and tried to get away as fast as possible. He set the bomb off and it was counting down to two minutes, so I had to do something to get away before it went off. With dash on my back, I ran as fast as I could through the right part of the tunnel (from our side to the left) and I heard a countdown, 10 seconds left, we ran even faster and tried not to feel the pain, we were already five meters from the portal up in the 2... 1..boom!...I managed to jump and the pressure threw me up fast and hard. I fell unconscious, we didn't know what happened next, I woke up at home with treated wounds and RD next to me. As soon as she saw that I was getting up, she hugged me and kissed me. RD: Follow me (she said and smiled) I followed her without knowing the reason. She led me to Princess Celestia's castle and went up to Luna Cadence and Twilight. I looked into Celestia's eyes and she smiled, then I looked behind me where all the ponies were. Then we took another look uncomprehendingly into Celestia's eyes and she put such a strange "chain" around my neck (like the choker that soldiers wear, if it had a necklace like the princesses have, it would look strange) it had two parts on one of which was written "hero" and on the other "killer" ". We still didn't know what it was. Cel: That's for saving Equestria (and she smiled at me) WT: Ah....and what's this for?(I looked at the chain) Luna: This chain has incredible power...but only when it's really needed, one side protects you and gives you confidence, and the other side tries to keep you on normal thoughts and not on psycho or bloody thoughts and if you change again, it helps you control yourself. Cel: But as we say, only when it is most needed. Then everyone started celebrating and I went to RD. She was lying on the cliff looking at the stars, she noticed me and smiled. I lay down behind her and she snuggled up to me. RD: Thanks for the rescue. She smiled and gave me a kiss and slowly fell asleep. I looked at the chain for a while and thought about what happened, I hoped it wouldn't happen again. I lay down, hugged Dash with my wing, and slowly fell asleep.

Sorry I wasn't here for a long time. I have to translate more but I don't have time to rewrite it all so I did it with google translator. So please if you'll notice any mistake just let me know

Rainbow dash and Glaze-Psycho love(English version)Where stories live. Discover now