Senti Trying To Scare Shido

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Happy Halloween everyone, it's a late Halloween but I wanted to write it so you could have at least a chapter while I work on the next one.
Good day!
It's maybe a little short and characters might ooc, I'm sorry!

3rd PoV :

(It's been a long time since I narrated something, I am maybe a little rusty but I'll try. By the way, I don't know if it'll be cannon but whatever.)

It was the 31st of October which mean it's Halloween, our beloved protagonist wanted to scare Fu Hua and the cast.
She already took an outfit for it but after buying it and wearing it she realized it wasn't as good as she thought.

So, she'll stay home .
I'm kidding, she will scare them to death.

Senti PoV :

It's was the night and I said to Fu Hua that I will go out of our house and scare everyone. Why? For fun, obviously. I disguised as myself and wore my outfit.
(Reminder : the outfit is the one above.)
I thought it was scary enough, I will just take a little red sword and nothing else.

Me : Old timer! Is my outfit scary enough?

Fu Hua just nodded and I smirked, I'm going to have a lot of candy and fun! It's so good! I thought as I giggled a little, I then took a bag and got out of our house.

Me : Where to go? Where to go? Hmmmmmm... How about Shido house? That'll be perfect!

I know exactly where he is... I think... Meh, I'll just ask someone.

Timeskip :

I was in front of his house as I started thinked of how could I scare them... Maybe just pointing my sword next to his neck and threaten them that I'll kill him... It could work I guess. Do I knock the door ? Yeah.

*Knock knock*

"Who's there?" Someone asked, I couldn't recognize who's voice it was.

Me : Treats or tricks!

I said in a cute little voice similar to a voice of a little girl. They opened the door as I saw it was Shido, I quickly grabbed his shirt and put my sword next to his neck.

Me : Don't say anything unless you wanna die.

I then used Fenghuang Down to make us invisible for 2 minutes and went to a dark alleyway. I deactivated it and push him on the floor still pointing my sword at him.

Shido : (panicked) Wh-what do-

I glared at him making him as he quickly shut his mouth.

Me : I'll explain, don't worry... I kind of kidnapped you because you were starting to get annoying. By that, I mean I'll dispose of you. I started to feel things I didn't like and I think it's because of YOU! In other words, I'll kill you.

Shido was scared, after all its the first he see me angry even though my acting skills were surprisingly very good! I should become an actor!
I still stared at him with red glowing eyes in pure darkness. If I were really angry, I would say something like... "Baka! Aho! Manuke!" it'll be a little funny.

Me : Now then, any last words?


Me : Pff-ahahahahahaha! You should have seen your face, it was so funny! Ahahahah haha! Oh my god...

I was laughing way too much that I was unable to breathe, I mean for the first time I do Halloween in all my life but I also scare someone to death, way to much fun for me...

Me : Don't look at me with that annoyed look! You know what they say, "It was just a prank bro!" You should chill out for a moment.

After some minutes, we went to his house and I told them everything! Everyone laughed at him, after all who wouldn't? It's literally Halloween, everyone should be ready to get scared but since the kids don't care about it anymore, Halloween became a ordinary day for everyone... A shame, truly.

(I don't know about you but I didn't even got one kid coming to my door and asking me for candy)

Me : *sigh* Oh... You should have seen his face, you girls would have died of laughter... Anyway, it was fun I wish you a good night while I have fun asking for candy! Bye!



Me : Old timer! Look at all the candy I got!

I showed her a bag full of candy while I had a big smile plastered on my face and we then proceeded to watch a movie while we'll eat them.


The end! Yes, it's short but I don't have a lot of ideas when it comes to this kind of chapter, anyway I hope you guys liked it!

The end! Yes, it's short but I don't have a lot of ideas when it comes to this kind of chapter, anyway I hope you guys liked it!

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