8 - Kidnapped Mid-Battle

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The more akuma' we faced, the closer Ladybug and I got. And the more battles we fought, the more the Parisians started to hate me?! Literally, after the livestream where Alya ONLY caught the clip of me being yelled at for making my friend get cataclysmed, the more the victim of Monarch's power wants to beat my ass!

"C'mon Nyx, let me get my sword on you!" One of Darkblade's minions cried, trying to slash my chest.
"Oh, as much as I'd love for you to try and murder me, I have unfinished business to attend to!" I smiled gleefully and sarcastically.
"And what is that?" He tried to impale me again.
"Kicking Monarch's ass!" I replied, kicking his and knocking him down. Cat Noir swooped in as I waved at him. He began to fend off more incoming knights. Bug-girl hopped in too, she put an arm around my waist and zoomed off with us!

"What are you doing? I totally should get brownie points for knocking one over!" I pretended to pout.
"Nyx, I think you should sit this one out. Leave it to me and Cat Noir, we've fought Darkblade before! We've got this!"
"Hold up, wait a minute, somethin' ain't right!" I mimicked the meme. "But seriously, why the hell not?!"
"Because we have miraculouses and you don't!" She yelled putting her hands on my shoulder and looking into my eyes with a worried glance.
"So?! That's like, so discriminatory!-"
"No, it isn't when our suits are invulnerable - except to a cataclysm - and yours isn't! If one of those guard-people-things tries to stab me, it won't do much. If they manage to stab you, it's game over! Please, just trust me and stay out of this!"
"Oh well, bye bug!" I said, walking out of the alley as she zoomed away.
"You better stay put and be here when I get back..." she said before she went out of range for me to hear her.

Yeah, like hell I'm staying put.

When I knew she was far enough away to not hear me, I turned to run out of the alleyway and bumped into my mother!

"Oh my days, Y/n?!" I slapped a hand over her mouth and took her back with me.
"Shh! Only you and Adrien know I'm alive!! Nobody else can know."
"Why did you scare me like that?! Pupp was petrified too-"
"PUPP?! How can she be petrified if Ladybug has her?..."
"Darling, Ladybug came and gave me your necklace for if you ever were to come home. She explained everything to me about what had happened between the both of you, and deep down she truly regrets the fight. She was heartbroken when she saw the news; she may not have shown it, but she loved you! She said you were close as civilians too, that you were her best friend! Please, honey, talk to her."
"She isn't friends with Y/n OR Okami Lovette, but she's STARTING to be cool with Nyx!-"
"No, I don't want ANY MORE of this STUPID Nyx business! Also, you're in HUGE trouble for running away! PLUS DYING YOUR HAIR PINK WITHOUT TELLING ME?!"
"Mum, it's rose gold actually!" I laughed.
"No excuses, you are coming home, getting your pendant and helping your team. I don't want to hear it, just go."
"No buts! You have no idea how heartbroken she was, she felt so guilty and admitted that it nearly-"
"No! I don't want to hear any more of what you have to say! Y/n and Okami Lovette are DEAD. Lovette died by the hands of an akuma evilising her, Y/n died in the car crash. Keep Pupp, even give her to someone else. Someone who DESERVES to be the wolf miraculous wielder in everyone else's eyes! I'm done." I ran off upset, tears swelled in my eyes and ready to fall.

I stormed into the heat of the battle against the big bad boss, he was trying to hit Ladybug but she kept blocking with her yoyo. I armed myself with one of my spoons and ran forward, the other one falling from my pocket and snapping.

"CHARGE!" I yelled as I began a duel with Darkblade, it was VERY heated! Cat Noir came running up behind me but was caught OFF GUARD by a minion! (Get it? Because of saying on gu- you know what? Never mind!). He was sent flying back and Ladybug took on the role of viciously beating the living hell out of the guy who hit Cat Noir. Is it just me or has she started to warm up to him recently?

"Nyx! What... did I tell you... about staying... put!" She screamed at me between dodges. I shrugged as he cut my spoon in half.

"Oh shi-"

He slashed my arm, sending me flying into the door of a building, I think we were in front of city hall?

"NYX!!!! NO!!!!!!!" Ladybug yelled, still trying to narrowly dodge the victim's attacks. Cat Noir looked out of it, she was mid-fight and I had I massive gash out of my arm and blood spilling out EVERYWHERE!

With blurred vision, I looked around to see if there was anything I could do before Darkblade turned around to end me. Everything was suddenly in black and white as I focused in on certain points. Cat Noir's baton. His belt. Ladybug's yoyo. Darkblade.

"BUG! LUCKY CHARM! N-N-NOW! CAT! CHUCK ME YOUR TAIL AND STICK!" As she activated her power he slid them over to me and his head fell to the ground. Ladybug got... a flag? How is that meant to help us? She shrugged and threw it to me before kicking the minion in the head - knocking his lights out - and rubbing to Cat Noir. She knows by now to leave me be to deal with myself if I seem okay. I ripped the flag in half, using one part with the belt to make a temporary bandage while I held the other, wrapping it around my hand. I grabbed the stick, used it to force myself up and charged once more towards Darkblade. I used it as a sword, eventually knocking his out of his hand and taking it myself.

What was I not expecting though? A band of minions to run up behind me and push me into my teammates. Girlie caught me, thank god!

"NYX! YOU IDIOT! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" She screeched with tears in her eyes, Cat Noir sat up and placed my head on his lap while Ladybug undid the bandage. Blood spilled EVERYWHERE, it bleeding to fast to keep up with using the flag as a towel to clean it. My head was pounding, tears were amusing my makeup, they belonged to all three of us. I went to sit up but he pulled me back down.

"No! We need to stop the bleeding before you get any worse!!"
"You were... h-hit... and you're-"
"I'm fine because it wasn't a bad one, plus my suit absorbed the pressure so it didn't hurt! Your suit is a few pieces of fabric! Not a magical one!"
He pressed down hard on the cut, trying to apply enough pressure to stop the bleeding, I used my hood arm to push him out of the way and grab the baton.

I was sweating, the world was rapidly spinning and I was barely able to stand up right. I charged at him one last time, only to be immediately grabbed by the neck and thrown to the floor. From what vision I had left, the minions surrounded me ready to end my life before they were stopped by Darkblade.

"Halt! Monarch demands she be living." He said with a neon mask around his helmet, one of the minions picked me up and began to run with me. I had no energy left to move, or even speak. I was too dizzy to even think straight! After a few seconds, I passed out...

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