Benevolent Kidnapping

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"It's been a while Izuku, I'm glad we get to meet again!" were the words that snapped Izuku out of his trance. His mind was still foggy from his recent awakening. He was laying in a room with a double-sized white mattress with black blankets and a golden pillow over it. The place was utterly unknown to him. It didn't look link any room he's been to before, so he naturally thought he was dreaming. The walls were pale white as the ceiling, while a black wardrobe was standing near a dark brown wooden door.

His train of thoughts was stopped by a rather loud voice from the corner of the room. The sudden interruption caused the frail boy to let out a shriek, his face snapping back facing the direction of his eyes to gaze upon the sitting form of a familiar white-haired man that was grinning at him.

He wore white pants, an equally white coat, and black boots. Izuku noted how his chest had parts covered by some sort of golden armor that connected his right shoulder training down to his waist, and his left shoulder had a snow-white coat hanging.

"H-Hisashi-san?!" Izuku barely sputtered out while his mind raced to find an explanation for the situation. The white-haired man harbored a nervous smile.

"You remember me!" Hisashi concluded as relief leaked from his voice. The scene would have been so awkward if Izuku didn't remember how he looked. His face showed sweat drops forming on his forehead as he saw Izuku's right hand on his chin, his face lowered and his mouth uttering words at an alarming speed that he barely understood. Hisashi showed little at the moment, but he was seriously relieved that Izuku remembered him. Even though he gave that necklace to Izuku only weeks ago, he was scared that Izuku would forget or throw it away. It would also be lead to an awkward conversation between the two.

"Maybe that's all a dream since this isn't a place I've been before, also Hisashi-san wasn't wearing anything like that, this armor look like he was a Pro-Hero but Nisha-chan and Aponia-chan told me he wasn't one. I also don't feel familiar with the place." The young boy muttered at a fast pace. Hisashi observed the boy, smiling fondly. Truth to be told. Nisha and her older sister have been talking about Izuku more than a few times. They mentioned his habit to mutter out his thoughts while he was thinking about something.

"Izuku-Kun!" Izuku was snapped out of his muttering by Hisashi's voice." Sorry for creeping you out!" Hisashi's eyebrows lowered as a frown took shape.

"First, this isn't a dream, and second, why would I think that you muttering would be creepy?" Hisashi's voice hid the confusion, as he was pretty certain he wouldn't like the answer.

Rather than focusing on the question of this situation being from a dream or not, Izuku scratched the back of his head with his finger. "W-Well... Most kids at school don't like when I mutter. They say it's creepy." Izuku explained. Hisashi's palms flared as if they mirrored someone else's disapproval.

"Child." Izuku heard The white armored man utter "Your muttering is not creepy! You shouldn't apologize for acting like yourself." Izuku's shoulder slumped, relieving the tension he didn't even know was there.

Hisashi's mind realized how the situation must confuse for Izuku to wake up in such an unfamiliar place. "Ah! My apologies, this whole situation must confuse you!" I'm going to explain everything !"

Izuku promptly jumped off the bed to stand in front of Hisashi, his eyes wide open, his eyes tilted in confusion.

Ignoring the voice in his head dying because of the sheer adorableness displayed, Hisashi coughed, "I went into your room and picked you up to bring you here while you were asleep!"

The boy no longer displayed the same confusion as he stared back at the man's brown orbs. "Isn't that kidnapping?" He pointed out, making Hisashi chocked on air. He actually had to admit that Izuku had a point. His hand slammed onto his face, echoing in a single slap that startled Izuku "I.. Can't argue with that but there is more to it!" He conceded before returning to his explanation. "I've brought you to see Nisha-chan and Aponia-chan!" He finally announced.

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