Chapter 1: The Meeting

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'Ugh what a boring day' I think to myself as I sit at my desk sorting books. 'I guess I should go and put these away' I thought. I pick up the books and start walking to the shelves. When a handsome young man walks inside. He was wearing a suit and bow tie, his brown hair messy from the windy day. His brown eyes sparkling in the light. I stop staring at him. After all, it's is considered rude. I continue walking to the shelves when he walks next to me looking for a book. He seemed to look at me, thinking he was completely unnoticed. You stand there and put the books away as you do everyday. You couldn't get over the fact that he was the cutest boy you have ever seen in the library. He looked at you for about 30 seconds and then looked back at the books. You could see a bit of blush on his face. It made you laugh a bit. It caught you by surprise when he started talking to you. "Sorry to bother you," he began. "But you are stunning." "Thank you," you said in a sweet tone. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight," he said, sounding nervous. "Yes that sounds lovely." You said, happy to be asked out. "Great," he said. "Does 7:00 sound alright?" "Sounds good to me," you said. "See you then." He left the library. You walk back over to your desk and slump down into the chair. 'I hope I didn't make a bad impression...' you think to yourself.

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