The Date

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      You sat at home, putting on your makeup and fixing your dress. You then stepped outside and waited for him to show up. When he showed up, he had a little red on his cheek. Blood? You thought. No it couldn't be.

    "Hey, what's that on your cheek?" You asked, concerned.
    He looked confused for a moment then wiped it off.
    "It's nothing." He said defensively.
    "Okay. Let's get on with this date shall we?" You said and linked your arm with his, then you walked to the restaurant you were going to.
     Once you got to the restaurant, he pulled a chair out for you and you sat down.
    "My, aren't you a gentleman," you said, facing him.
    "Well, I like to think I am." He smiled, turning his head away to hide his blush.
    I giggled a little and he sat down. He looked into my eyes, and I stared into his.


    "Why don't you let me walk you home. It's late, and I want you getting home safely," He said, smiling.
    "Of course. You're too sweet," I answered, smiling gently at him.
    He told me his name was Alastor. He was a radio show host. I had always loved the radio, but not as much as I loved books. Alastor walked me home, talking to me the entire time. He was such a gentleman, and it made me smile just to think about it.
      Eventually, he got me home. I unlocked the door, but before walking inside, I looked back at him.
       "Wait, don't leave yet," I stopped him.
       He looked at me, a tad confused. "What is it, my dear?"
       I got a little closer and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed. I then waved at him and closed the door. It was an absolutely amazing night, but I was still suspicious.
       What was on his cheek, and why did he get so devensive?

Human!Yandere!Alastor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now