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"And you're sure about this?" 

"Of course, sir."

"Alright, then as of tomorrow, you, Megumi Yanagisa, will be a member of the End-Class."

"Thank you, Principal Asano."

I get up from my seat and walk out of the principal's office. I quietly shut the door behind me. So it's finally settled! It only took an hour to convince Mr. Asano, but with his hatred for the End-Class, I thought he would never agree to me joining. I mean, me, Megumi Yanagisa, the top female student at Kunugigaoka and second overall - after Gakushu Asano, the principal's son and model student, of course. I wonder how Gakushu is going to feel about this... oh well, I can't wait to get away from those main building assholes that are the A, B, C, and D-Classes! And with the E-Class, I'll finally be able to take down-

"What the hell was that, Megumi?!" Someone yells from behind me. It's Asano. He must have been spying on my conversation with his dad.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Asano will refer to Gakushu (little guy), and Mr/Principal Asano will refer to Gakuho (big guy).] 

"A normal conversation. Ever heard of one?" I reply, grinning.

Asano ignored my question and instead asked his own, "Why did you ask to transfer to the E-Class?"

"Hey, don't pin all the blame on me!" I exclaim, acting shocked. "Besides, your dad told me not to spill!"

Asano gives me a doubtful look. "I seriously doubt that my dad would ever use the word 'spill' in that context."

"Alright, I didn't say it word for word, but you get the message!"

Asano chuckles lightly.

"Now, if you don't mind, I need to go get ready for the ceremony," I say.

Asano grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. "You didn't answer my question."

I pull away from his grasp, and exclaim, "Fine, you win! I'm transferring because I'm tired of these main building assholes!"

He scoffs at this. Whatever, he can kiss my ass. I really do have a ceremony to get to. I begin to walk away from him, but he grabs my wrist again and pins me onto a locker. His purple eyes send a shiver down my spine.

"If you wish to take me down, my little canary," Asano begins in a hushed voice. He leans down towards me and whispers into my ear, "You should know that if you fail, I will make you my servant." He then plants a soft kiss onto my neck.

I can't help but turn red as Asano turns to walk away from me. Before he leaves, he smiles and adds, "Adieu, mon amour." [FRENCH FOR: "Farewell, my love."]


Ah, yes, the Matriculation Ceremony. The time of the school year in which the entire student body and faculty of Kunugigaoka Junior High School crowd together in the gymnasium to celebrate the graduating class and those selected into the A-Class. The classes are selected in ascending order, with the unfortunate E-Class students being scrutinized to the model students of the A-Class being cheered for. It was almost always the exact same people in each class every year; however, I'm sure that my transfer will leave everyone shaken up! I mean, it's about time that something interesting happened!

The gymnasium is decorated with elegant banners displaying the top 20 students for the end-of-the-school-year finals draping over around a hundred of folded chairs. This year, thank goodness, Mr. Asano decided to separate the classes individually. Once it was my class's scheduled time for the ceremony, the students that scored below the top 20 entered and took their seats. A few minutes after this, the top 20 entered, the 20th student entering first.

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