A broken fall 🥗

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TW: Talk of blood, knifes and broken/sprained bones.

It was a normal day in the attic for Scott, Everyone was having a good time making houses and going on food runs. But he hasn't seen Owen all day, he was a bit worried for the tinkering fellow. He knows Owen keeps to himself when he's upset. Scott brushed it off, maybe Owen was just on a run or was building and ran out of stuff.

Owen couldn't help but make railings He and Krow needed them. Well- more him but that's not the point. He kept falling off and one day he's gonna hurt himself. He was placing bits of the railing until he saw he ran out after looking for more, he sighed to himself, he didn't want to go look for more bits but that's just what rats gotta do.

He walks under the arch and towards the scaffolding, he notices a leek in the roof, he stops for a moment, he makes a mental note wile he's down from the rafters he'll grab a cup or something and patch the hole up.

He started walking again but this time he felt himself slip on the water, his mind says their was railing but on the side he was falling to he hadn't built any yet, he closed his eyes as the felt the strong air go past him as he fell down, it felt like hours before he felt his body plummet into the hard wooded ground. He couldn't feel his body for what felt let eternity but was actually just 5 minutes.

He soon felt a excruciating pain in his arms and legs he felt a warm liquid slowly drip down his head, his gears said he needed El but he said he was fine and tried to get up before feeling like someone was stepping on him pushing him into sharp knives. He let out a whimper he would have let out a scream, but he didn't want to bother anyone with his injuries or his pain, he just laid there. Crying, besides- no one would care if he, a useless runt dies he was just a waste of space after all. He slowly fell unconscious crying and letting out low whimpers as he did.

Scott herd a loud thump and a few minutes later a loud whimper, he walked over thinking maybe Owen may have dropped a wrench or Something but instead he saw Owen laying on the ground head bleeding and him crying, it pained him to see Owen like that.

He ran up to the tinkerer rat and quickly picked him up, he herd a muffled cry looking down at Owen who was in his arms he saw him crying with a pained face. He obviously hurt him and he felt bad but Owen needed help. He couldn't feel bad right now, so he just ran to his house with the hurt rat in his arms.

He sat Owen on his bed after climbing up the stairs. He looked in his drawers and found bandages and wrapped Owen up. He new vary well that this could help any sprained bones just a tad. Maybe he could take Owen to the grandma and let her help him. His fleas agreed with that idea and Scott found himself walking with a hurt Owen on his back to the grandmas room.

He soon made it to the room and got the grandmas attention, she seemed concerned and sad when she saw Owen, it was obvious she had favorite rats but that's not the point. She grabbed Owen gently and sat him on her big bed. She got a pink looking drink and pills and other stuff he had no knowledge of. She pored a small bit of the pink drink and crushed one of the pills into it. And fed it to Owen. He looked more peaceful after words. He made a note to give the grandma cheese or something for helping his friend.

Owen soon woke up on a soft mattress, he felt more nicer and like he wasn't getting pressed into thousands of knives when he moved, he looked up and saw a sleeping blue haired farmer rat beside him. He should have expected Scott would help. He looked around and saw he was in the grandmas room, he looked around for the sweet lady and saw that the grandma was in her chair sleeping. He smiled, he could help but let a tear fall down his face. He was glad he had people who actually cared for him and didn't think he was a useless runt. He closed his eyes again and drifted back into sleep.

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