Prologue: Part One

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"If I told you that 'Love at First sight' was a lie, what would you say? Would you argue about it until I cave into to your suggestion? Would you listen and agree with my opinion and tell me I am correct? Would you prove me wrong by showing me incredible things and teaching me what 'Love at first sight' actually means. It's your choice whether my opinion changes or stays the same, so what would you say?"



The day a teenager graduates high school is a day of relief, you receive your HSC marks and are told what job, university or college you can enter. My schools average mark is a 57.8%. Lucky for me I got Dux, with a record score of 97.3% which means I get into basically every job, every college and university. I am currently standing in front of one hundred and forty-three students who I blitzed past with my score; all eyes are on me waiting for my speech on this year's year twelves. Of course all the girls in the crowd swoon over my presence in the room, after all my presence is a present. I mean who wouldn't like a guy like me? Fit, Athletic, Captain of the Football team and is pretty descent looking, well decent enough to make more that three fourth of the grade swoon over me...Girls AND Boys.

"We will now have a few words from the Captain of the football team who is also 2018's Dux of the school, and breaking the high score of 96.2% in HSC. Class of 2018, give a round of applause for Adam Rustle, 2018's high achiever in HSC" Our school principle announces whilst summoning me up onto the stage, I gladly smile and jog up onto the stage as everyone claps at my arrival.

I walk toward Mr Power who holds the award certificate and medal, he extends his hand and I gratefully shake it and he hands over the award and I take the microphone. Most people who do these things shit themselves, because of the people they must talk in front of I think to myself as I wrap my hands around the microphone. The clapping ceases "Class of 2014, I'm glad to say that I am your dux of the school" I pause whilst the attention of a hundred and forty-three people stare into my soul. The speech that I memorised in my head vanishes. "This speech is supposed to be formal, but screw it! It's our graduation. Not our parents, not our teachers, ours! We should share it together!" I shout over the microphone and everyone realises a giggle and I am sure I heard a few girls yell from the back row my name. "So" I pause whilst leaning on the alter. "I propose instead of having this Prom tonight at this dump, we come to my place for a real party!" My mates at the front yell out and start a riot. "If you would like to come, my address is written on the back of the ceremony schedule" I say and everyone starts to cheer. "Just to make this a bit more formal, ill finish my speech. 2014 is the best year twelves yet, filled with smart-asses and Fucking grots. But you are all awesome, so I thank you for an excellent six years" I finish with a bow and everyone cheers. Except the geeks at the front row, I search the crowd and see the popular girl group jumping for joy, literally Joy the main slut of the grade jumps up and down, then catches me staring at her and gives me a wink. I roll my eyes and look at everyone who is so happy. As I said, my presence is a present.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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