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"Have you house-proof the whole house?" I asked Jackson as I walked into the hospital building. The twins were starting to stand up on their own. Yesterday, I've lowered their cribs so they wouldn't accidentally flipped over the railing, but I didn't have the chance to house-proof the whole house. Yeah, we had covered the electricity sockets when they started crawling, but we haven't covered all the corners of the tables, chairs, and put the stoppers on every drawers and cupboard doors as well as the refrigerator door. It would be pain in the ass if everything melted because the twins found the refrigerator door interesting and kept playing with it.

"Yeah, yeah," I heard Jackson answered, "I've covered them all, including putting all the stoppers and securing the gate at the stair. I've checked them all twice," he quickly added before I got the the chance to ask him whether he had made sure of it or not. I thanked him and then ended the call as the elevator has arrived.

"The twins has tried to stand up already?" one of my nurses asked. "Wow.. they're pretty quick. Maybe by the time they're one, they'll start walking already."

"You should invest in buying those walking aide so you won't get back pain," another one added. I've heard about the walking aide, the one with those straps and long rope so you could hang on the end of the rope to steady the kid. Instead of using your arms to steady them, you used the rope thus you didn't have to bend down to hold them thus minimizing the chance of getting a back pain.


"OOohhh... My favorite nephew and niece!" Bambam squatted to greet the twins as soon as we stepped into the studio. Ellie had to fulfill her impending schedule since she decided to go back to China earlier than scheduled. This was the last time she had to go back to Korea to finish her impending schedule, so since the twins were almost one year, I decided to bring the twins along. We decided not to bring the nannies as she only had two surgeries to finish, so we could enjoy the rest of the days as if we were on holiday. Today she had her first surgery, so I brought the twins with me to the studio. I heard Bambam had free time, so I decided to drop by and met him.

"How's Yoojin?" I asked him as I heard they decided to try getting pregnant. Or maybe it was Bambam that decided to impregnate Yoojin. 

"She's fine," he paused and then he understood what I was asking for, "No, still no luck in that department yet," he chuckled, "But we're both still young.. so no worries yet," he waved his hand and picked up Jake and swung him around.

"Hey hey hey! Not too fast! Don't give him the.. ," I waved my hand in the air in circles as if it could help me remember the thing that I wanted to remember, "shaken baby syndrome!" I exclaimed as I finally remembered it.

"Oh, okay," Bambam put him down immediately, only to see Jake pounded on his legs, asking for more.

"Uh uh, guess you won't be left in peace now. He'll ask for more and will keep begging you until he gets it," I warned him and he regretted his decision as Jake looked at him hopefully.

"Oh!" Jaebeom hyung stopped at the doorway and did a double take when he saw me and the twins. "I felt like I'm just teleporting myself just now. Are you really back in Korea again?" he gave me a fist bump after he gathered himself. "I thought I just stepped into China the moment I saw your face," he chuckled.

"Yeah. We're just here since Ellie had to finish her impending surgeries. We didn't bring the nannies, so I'm on babysitting duties," I informed him.

"Ahh.. So you brought them here to share the burden?" he teased me but patted my back afterward. "Don't worry, we like to have them here as well."

I snickered, "Don't pull back your words, hyung!" I warned him as he didn't know that the twins were starting to stand up and trying to walk.

"Why do I feel like making a mistake just now?" he held Jane with such a worry in his face but couldn't figure it yet. However, ten minutes later, he realized his mistake. Bambam was rubbing his back as he was tried holding Jake's hands when he tried to walk all over the studio. Jaebeom hyung was trying to stop Jane from messing with the panels. In short, they were exhausted within minutes.

"Seriously," Jaebeom hyung exhaled loudly while rubbing his back. "How can you two take care of them all these times? It hasn't been 2 hours yet and I've felt exhausted."

"Because you're olllldddd," I patted his back, grinning widely, hiding the fact that I did feel the same when I had to watch over them. But he narrowed his eyes at me so I decided to come clean. "No, hyung. They're really tiring. I start to regret my decision to get a twin," I confessed at last and he glared at me. "One of them would crawl and then walk one way, while the other try to stand up and walk the other way. I'm torn, deciding which one to run after. It's not like I can divide myself into two."

Bambam and Jaebeom hyung just laughed at my exasperation as they have warned me before, but I didn't listen. Now, I've learnt my lesson.


"Where did you take the twins today?" I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack before dumping myself on the couch beside Jackson. He seemed exhausted, but it was understandable since he had to take care of the twins today.

"I brought them to the studio with me. I met Bambam and Jaebeom hyung," he started. He told me about Bambam trying to impregnate Yoojin but no luck yet, while Jaebeom oppa was still in his honeymoon phase.

"I thought Bambam didn't want any kids?" I raised an eyebrow as I clearly remembered his answer regarding kids.

"Yeah, I thought so too, but apparently he's changed his mind. Probably because Mark hyung is successful in changing Mae's mind. She's pregnant right now so I guess somehow it affects Bambam's view regarding kids as well," he informed me. "Anyway, I want to apologize for being stubborn." He faced me and pulled into his hug. "Now I realized how hard it is to take care of the twins, especially when they're learning to walk now. One of them would go one way and the other goes the other way. It's confusing and exhausting."

I chuckled, "And you've just realized after almost a year?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Anyway, I've heard from the nurses about the walking aide." I showed him the picture as I told him. "That way, we can stabilize them without getting any back pain."

"Oh thank goodness," he looked relieved. "We need to buy that ASAP. I think my back will break into two if I have to keep holding their hands until they can walk on their own."

I laughed at his expression, "And you mocked Jaebeom oppa for being old while you yourself just complained about back pain even before you're 40," I pointed, earning a glare from him.

"Should I teach them how to rollover then? Or maybe cartwheel?" he suddenly put on his serious face. Or pretending to be serious. "That way they can move from one place to another without needing us to hold them. And then when they can stand up on their own, maybe I should teach them how to do backflip. They say the sooner the better while the kids are still flexible."

I smacked the back of his head, "Do you want them to break their neck? Let's just buy the walking aide and teach them how to walk first."

"Alright.. If you say so," he mumbled and then laid on the bed, sprawling on his stomach. "Now, how about a massage, my dear wife? I really need one after the whole day taking care of them."

I chuckled, "Just massage," I warned him, pointing my finger at him but he bent my finger and grinned.

"Sorry, can't promise that.." Oh crap.. it's going to be a long night.

a/n: Oh gosh i can't believe it! 10K??? you guys are amazing. Thanks a lot for loving this story 🥰

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